Thursday, March 27

Theo’s Twit Of The Week: Sarah Palin

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This week’s Twit must have had a Death Panel visit her popularity rating in Alaska! Get ready for some One Nation bus tour style hi-jinks with everyone’s favorite half-term Governor:

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin must be getting desperate. In all the shuffle and general hub-bub of the Republican primary debates, it seems that TV and print media haven’t had her headshot up enough to satisfy her ego. So how best to get one’s name back in the headlines?

I know! Make fun of the president’s Christmas card!

While every high school bully that’s ever lived silently high-fives with one another, I will explain Sarah Palin’s rationale for going after the Obama card. Evidently the card didn’t have the proper quotient of (and I’m quoting Mrs. Palin here) “family, faith and freedom.” Let us take a look at the card and just decide for ourselves, shall we?

My. God. My dear, sweet Christ! She’s right! This card has absolutely NO references to family, faith OR Freedom! I knew Obama was a Communist!

Err, wait… that card above wasn’t from the Obama family. That card was from the Bush (of George W. variant) family from Christmas of 2005.

Ah, here we go! See! No Christmas tree, no lights, no family making cookies or carolers a-wassailing. Truly this is the card of a Muslim who hates…

No, no… Sorry. My mistake again. This card was from the Clintons, circa 1997. Well, I’ve always sort of known he was a Commie, so that kinda fits.

Now this, THIS, is proof positive that Obama does not hold the traditional holiday (oops, I mean Christian) beliefs of Americans nor their view that America’s best days are ahead! Look at this poor, sad picture of the White House with that poor, sad little track of snow to the front door. Nobody’s decorated, or even shoveled the front walk! How lazy…

Oh jeeze… Sorry, sorry. This one is the 1984 card from the Reagan family.

Here! Finally the graphics department has gotten it right. At long last I give you the 2011 Obama family Christmas card:

AHA! There is the dead giveaway! See that dog?! It is a PORTUGESE water dog. There! Finally some proof positive that Obama hates America and loves… Portugal?!

Sarah, the next time you need to publicity, why not do something useful and amusing, like joining the cast of Ice Road Truckers, and leave the art critique so someone a little more in the know.

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