Wednesday, March 12

Rahm Emanuel: Another Wannabe Gangster

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He even keeps around Outfit-connected politicans-cum-fixers, like the Greylord-indited Jimmy DeLeo.

Frank Calabrese Junior Talks About Chicago Politics and the Outfit:

Take a quick listen to one of the star witnesses of the Family Secrets trial, Frank Calabrese Jr., talk about the former Illinois state Congressman. For even more information, consult the plethora of articles authored by ANP’s own Joseph Fosco on the deeds of this dirty politician.

Are these the behaviors of an adult who takes law and order seriously, or the poseur wannabe thug who would probably pee his pants if a real “tough guy” decided to take a piece out of him?

When you get right down to it, the fake tough guy bravado is painted on a little thin. Rahm’s not a terribly intimidating-looking fellow, despite his (I’m sure) much-practiced Robert DeNiro glare. Despite all the rumors, the origin of his partially amputated finger was a mishap with an Arby’s meat slicer. I’ve heard people bandy about the misconception that Rahm was also some kind of Israeli special forces badass, but all he did was volunteer to help take care of IDF equipment during the Gulf War.

In the end he’s just another white collar machine politican Mayor who likes to pretend he’s a thug – which may or may not be an improvement over the last Mayor who actually was a thug. He can win a few oohs and ahhs from the sheep that worship the mafia mentality, but in the end all these juvenile antics do is prove Mayor Emanuel relies on theatrics instead of substance to get his way.

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