Thursday, March 6

Theo’s Twit Of The Week: William Beavers

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Honorable Mentions

John Daley is the least-affluent, but also least constipated-looking, of the Daley brothers.

John Daley is the least-affluent, but also least constipated-looking, of the Daley brothers.

John Daley

Normally about as under the radar as you can get, John Daley’s name has been all over the news the last few days because of (Theo’s Twit of the Week!) William Beavers’ assertion that the Fed pinch on him is punishment for not wearing a wire to record the boss of Cook County’s Audit and Finance committees (a.k.a., John Daley). The man who somehow managed to stay out of jail during the Hired Truck Scandal was quick to respond that Beavers is only trying to divert attention away from his own problems, but the vehemence with which the Daley camp has come out against Beavers’ statement may be a little telling.

It is practically a foregone conclusion that the Daleys have skeletons in their closet, but how damaging their appearances might be is up for debate. Even if Beavers was never asked about Daley directly, Barnyard Bill might be telegraphing his willingness to protect the Daleys, or betray them, depending on how his day in court goes (a.k.a. how much influence can be brought to bear on his behalf).

The Daley clan’s eerie immunity from prosecution is legendary, but could it be the glory days are finally over? Fitz isn’t saying anything, but ask Blago what silence from the U.S. Attorney’s Office feels like.

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  1. you are a first rate ape, far as my mental ability,i have a confirmed iq over 150.just because i havent dedicated myself to try to appear intelligent doesnt diminish my ability to be reasonable.i know many ex cons who have an extended volcabulary,but exhibit the logic of an earthworm.(such as you goof)you are nothing but a fault finder who enjoys trying to bring good people down to ur low level.i can surmise(and would bet on it)that you were a total outcast and avoided by your peers.

    • I suppose part of not dedicating yourself to trying to appear intelligent must extend to feigning utter ignorance of English grammar and spelling.  If so, then kudos, as your illusion of idiocy is neigh on perfect.  You should consider giving lessons.

      Thanks for being a fan!


      • perfect example to the point i it a smarter man who attempts to make a point to many but speaks in a language understood by so few?you so much remind me of the people in group meetings,that hears a question or statement with relevent substance,and a short time later presents the same material only with words that few understand.ur a joke my friend.btw,when you tried that bs on ur other article u were put in ur place by some guy who destroyed you at ur game. get lost wannabe and seek a career more suitable for you.