Friday, January 31

Gamey Changes

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As most know, Palin does not come off well in the book. While Palin disputes the veracity of many of the behind the scenes stories reported in Game Change, I have no interest in talking about it. Aside from the fact I think Palin is a blight on the Republican Party, several other members of the McCain campaign have come forward to vouch for the book. Steve Schmidt even went to bat for the movie version of his conflicts with Palin, going as far as to say that watching the film felt like an out of body experience.

My major beef is that the best parts of Game Change were all removed, turning it into a straight out Democrat propaganda piece. It is probably no coincidence that Game Change (produced by Tom Hanks) hit HBO at the same time that previews of the high production 17-minute pseudo-documentary/Obama love note (narrated by Tom Hanks) titled The Road We’ve Traveled. Game Change the movie was also directed by Jay Roach, whose repository of silver-screen excellence includes Recount, a wonderful piece of propaganda about poor, disadvantaged Albert Gore, and other serious and important cinematic masterpieces like Meet The Fockers and Austin Powers.

Yet again overzealous and dim-witted Hollywood Democrats, in their rush to tear everyone else down, have only succeeded in pointing out how short-sighted they are. For a group of people who are sure they hold the moral high ground, they seem awfully intent on not examining their own heroes in even the most minute ways.

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  1. Theo…you take the classic conservative cry point about “victimization.”  Hollywood has a liberal bias along with universities and higher education, mainstream media, science, etc.  Do you ever ask yourself WHY all these insitutions have the alleged liberal biases that make you feel so threatened as a conservative?  What have conservatives done to overcome these biases aside from cry about them?  Do you really think this movie was focused on Palin because its a left wing conspiracy that will tear down conservatives–or do you merely think that given movies (like businesses) have to make money, focusing on the largest drama possible is a sure way to sell views?  (sorry but the largest piece of drama in that book was the Palin/Schmidt relationship and what she did to the McCain candidacy.)  I like your pieces, I just wish you would shy away from the conspiracy crap and constant “victim victim victim” BS.