Wednesday, January 22

Theo’s Twit Of The Week: The White House Edition

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Honorable Mentions

Joe Biden doing his best Ted Knight impression... or was Ted Knight doing a Joe Biden impression?  Chicken and the egg...

Joe Biden doing his best Ted Knight impression... or was Ted Knight doing a Joe Biden impression? Chicken and the egg...

Joe Biden

Smilin’ Joe slipped off his leash this weekend, or his handlers finally gave up trying to keep the veep from making himself sound totally insane, and he talked to the media. The administration caught a break, though. He was only on Face The Nation on CBS.

As if sensing he was in friendly territory, Joe let loose with a torrent of absurdities of such a profound nature that if they had been uttered by Romney or Gingrich would have elicited a solid month of non-stop media criticism. Bob Schieffer sat there smiling as Biden lied through his teeth.

He started with Obama’s accidently recorded conversation with Dimitry Mededev, where our president implored the puppet of Putin to pass a message on to his master that there can be no dealing on missile shields until the election cycle is over. Biden lied and said that Obama was telling Mededev that he did not have time to address this issue in the near future. What Obama said was that he would have more flexibility in dealing with the Russian government once he no longer needed the public approval necessary to win an election.

Joe evidently believes that GM is now the largest company in the world and is hiring hundreds of thousands of new workers; neither assertion is remotely true. He also asserted that Romney would have allowed GM to go bankrupt. Biden must have forgotten that GM DID go bankrupt.

Biden then declared that millions were already benefitting from The Affordable Care Act and that the GOP has offered no alternative plan to renovate health care – again, both bald-faced lies.

I won’t even get into the continuing farce that is the Obama administration’s oil polices, though Smilin’ Joe did not have such reservations.

I remember quite clearly the criticism of Sarah Palin during the 2008 election cycle that she was woefully uninformed about a slew of important issues, and I agree with that assessment. Her lack of knowledge of basic facts about this country and how it works is an excellent reason to not put her a heartbeat away from the presidency. But then how on earth did someone as fundamentally dim-witted as Joe Biden manage to slither his way into the number two spot in the executive branch?

Joe only gets the Honorable Mention this week because it would be difficult to envision a major public speech wherein he does not make an ass of himself.

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  1. Whats more the 5th circuit wants a 3 page single spaced statement from the Justice Dept ensuring that Obama understands that they do have authority to overturn fed laws..they want it by Thurs noon.  My question is what happens if Holder ignores it….

    • I had high hopes for Eric Holder, but his justice department has been such a tremendous mess.I get the sad feeling that nothing would happen.  The Justice Department is so absurdly powerful that I doubt they feel any pressing need to respond to an entity as lowly as the 5th circuit.  This administration’s low opinion of the Judicial Branch illustrates this point brilliantly.  I have no doubt there’s a small mountain of roadblocks they can put up to delay or entirely eliminate this spanking the judiciary is trying to hand out.Still, it will be fun to watch what happens.  I’d bet there’s a lot of guys and gals burning the midnight oil at 950 Pennsylvania Ave Northwest…