Wednesday, March 26

Theo’s Twit Of The Week: Kim Jong-Un

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This week’s Twit is the world’s youngest head of state – if the economic wasteland that is North Korea can be considered a sovereign political entity! Get ready to be bathed in the dynastic glory of the pocket-sized potentate:

Kim Jong-Un

Kim Jong-Un

Kim Jong-Un

As we can see from North Korea’s utter dominance of the known world (and possibly parts of Jupiter and the moon), appointing your youngest son who has absolutely no experience in politics to run a country is quite possibly the smartest thing anyone has done, ever. It is no shock that his divinely-born father, Kim Jong-il, who is author of 1,500 books (and six operas) and shot 38 under par on his first golf outing, appointed Kim Jong-un to take his place as Supreme Leader.

Oh wait, pardon me. I was reading the news feed from the Korean Central News Agency of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. I was drawn in by a link to an article about the excellent dietary benefits of consuming pine needles and I haven’t been able to stop reading since!

Surrounded by the economic powerhouses of China, Russia, Japan and South Korea is the black hole known to the world as North Korea. Kim Jong-un, the current king of a country so green that Al Gore must be crying himself to sleep at night

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