Sunday, February 23

GOP Social Shortfalls Give Obama Fodder For Reelection

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I can hear my readers groaning right now. Theo, even the liberal media thinks this is an empty gesture! Well, you’re right… but some half-empty rhetoric about human rights is talking of expanding freedom and, at the heart of it, such talk is far more appealing to people than jibber about a government-driven (be it Democrat or Republican) economic recovery. All of the great initiatives, the powerful movements and well-remembered sentiments that make up the storied history of this great nation never seem to mention the monetary bottom line. They instead revolve around the primary understanding that we cherish freedom above all else.

Presidents, and politicians in general, do not do well with touting their ability to make money. They do well with touting their ability to either A) make you safer and happier or B) give you more freedom (sometimes you even get both!). While running an efficient, effective and properly-limited government is a prerequisite for obtaining these objectives, the financial aspect is only the means for obtaining this goal.

Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan – perhaps the most beloved and popular Republican presidents – were not CEOs or venture capitalists. They did not get up on the stump and talk about how much money they made for their investors. What these giants among men did was far greater than that. They helped guarantee the freedom and safety of Americans, both from oppressive government and the tyranny of others. They were passionate and well-spoken on the subject and this charisma, while it is not of the shallow Rock star Kennedy variety so often peddled by the DNC, is what won them elections.

In order to beat Barack Obama this time around we need a little of that old magic, and it can come from finally telling those evangelical bigots to stop imposing their social agenda on America. If the GOP can strip away the Democrats’ superiority in this one, last arena, then we can finally get around to returning more freedom, and financial stability, to the American people.

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1 Comment

  1. Theo – The man is going to lose.  The Dems are already “overhyping” this “evolution” that has taken place, which really wasn’t an evolution because BO had prior epiphanies in the past which coincided with the political climate at the time.  There are so many problems with this administration I won’t waste time getting into it, and there is a lot of green on the table until Nov.  Lets see how next weekend goes, and the summer, and if Israel hits Iran before the election and how BO responds to that mess…..