Sunday, February 23

Rahm Is Wrong On Wright

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It is inconceivable that the president did not know Wright’s opinions on such matters. Sentiments like these are not one-off statements, strange diversions from a normally sane vein of reasoning. No one accidently starts yelling about conspiracies to destroy black people by giving them poor educations and sexually-transmitted diseases. These lunatic ravings are not the exception for Jeremiah Wright; they are the rule, the dirty secret lurking under his supposedly Christian message.

Being associated with a group that was momentarily considering pointing out such an obvious fact should not be a reason to be blacklisted by Chicago’s leader, particularly when Rahm was probably exactly who Wright was referring to when he told The Daily Press in 2009 that “them Jews” aren’t going to let him talk to the president. If anything, Rahm Emanuel should be angry that Barack Obama ever had anything to do with a bigot like Wright.

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  1. Wow, we agree on something.  Rev. Wright taught Black Liberation Theology, something James H. Cone developed in response to the white racism extant in the 1960s and earlier.  Those who teach it today hold to the same set of beliefs, which include Marxism and a sort of Critical Race Theory intertwined with liberal/left-wing Christianity.  The beliefs of Cornel West and Tavis Smiley are pretty similar.  Because the left-wing media (which is most of the media) was in Senator Barack Obama’s pocket, it didn’t vet him and he became president.  Now they go after Mitt Romney’s high school activities while ignoring the many damning statements found in President Obama’s own books!  They go after Romney’s Mormonism, but bury their heads in the sand when it comes to Obama’s Black Liberation Theology.  Wonder why Eric Holder didn’t go after the Black Panthers for voter intimidation?  Holder personifies Critical Race Theory.  Left-wing African Americans and their allies can do no wrong, but conservative ones are self-haters who undermine the Civil Rights Movement.  Obama’s and Wright’s beliefs in Black Liberation Theology explain so many things.