Saturday, February 22

World Class Thief Celebrates 60 Years Of Graft

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Oh callooh, callay!  The Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II of Jamaica, Canada, Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda, Paupa New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, New Zeland, Grenada, Belize, Barbados, Tuvalu, the Solomon Islands, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Australia and, of course, the United Kingdom, is finally here!  Everyone get out the champagne and toast the 60 years this woman has stolen taxpayer money from millions and millions of people and squandered it on her ridiculous lifestyle!

Now, I’ve been assured by very serious people and the news media at large that the idiots lining the Thames are instead toasting Queen Elizabeth’s long life and successful (???) reign… but that seems like of far-fetched to me.  Really, what gaggle of nincompoops would cheer on an irrelevant sinkhole of money like that?

Well, they are British, I suppose….

So the citizenry of the U.K. pony up tens of millions of dollars a year to make sure the Queen and her corgis are comfy. Someone needs to keep all the lights on in her castles. We certainly could not expect her to spend her own money – she only has half a billion to her name, after all. 

I suppose these massive expenditures might be justified if the Queen actually did something, but no.  She doesn’t do anything except suck up resources, and her immediate family is pretty much the same.

There are a few Brits that feel the same way that I do about monarchs, and they will be out in force during the Queen’s party to protest the gross waste of resources that is maintaining a line of in-bred royalty whose sole claim to power is that they had the right (and properly married) mommy and daddy.  Republic is one of those groups, and they have gotten smidgen of media coverage but it isn’t nearly enough.

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  1. Hear what you’re saying about monarchies in general, but I’ve been told that in regard to British royalty they do have a purpose other than receiving free benefits from their taxpayers.  The royal family is a big draw and a boon for the UK’s tourism industry.  I haven’t looked into this myself — as I said this is from people from the UK and I am not — that their ability to draw in tourists far outweighs what they receive.  They pretty much have no power (unless there are powers that royalty is still invested with and not used) so serve as figureheads and symbols.  So if they help the UK’s heavily indebted economy, then as far as I am concerned long may they reign.  Realistically speaking, however, I think eventually the Brits will decide to abolish having royalty.  We’ll see.  However it turns out it’s up to them and I don’t have a dog in that fight.

  2. JazzQuipster on

    Who are we to judge whether the British monarchy is right, or wrong? The idea of it seems silly to me, but since they’re not living off my dime, I can’t say that it makes a difference one way or the other. The British seem to think it’s pretty important though, so I say bully for them, what?

  3. Gerbearmm0326 on

    Hi Joe,
    Love the word nincompoops…I totally agree with you.  I cried when Princess Di died, she was a true lady who really seemed to care but the Queen, totally ridiculous, my personal belief and reading what you wrote, Wow…pretty pathetic.  But again, in my eyes, she’s always been that way and you’re absolutely right…. anyway thanks for the info

  4. Alright Teddy Im usually one of Joe’s readers, but this one might have made us simpatico.  Being Irish American specifically Northern Irish American, when you gaze past their veil of “honor” and “respectability”, you find they have been “politely” subverting the entire world since the inception of that turd of a monarchy.  Only here in this country do we seem to forget that our greatest “ally” was our slave master and ruler not to long ago.  So as they celebrate the lineage of their filthy empire, may at least a few people take a look and see what is truly behind all the pomp and circumstance.  For if they will, what they will find nothing more than one big criminal enterprise.  It was said in my house “The sun never sets on the british empire (lower case on purpose), because not even God could trust them in the dark.”  Be well and thanks for the article Teddy

  5. Oh and in case Joe wonders why the hell an Irishman’s been talking to him on his blog for the better part of three years let it be known that my uncle married a Neapolitano immigrant and I was raised in a Neapolitano household with three generations, kind of the Tom Hagen syndrome I guess.  Just needed to put that out for Joe, sorry Teddy