Saturday, February 22

Theo’s Twit Of The Week: The Eurozone Edition

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No matter how much lipstick you smear on these sows, the PIIGS aren’t getting any prettier… or less expensive. Any conversation about which is the ugliest (though certainly not fattest) of these ungulates leads us to Greece. And this week, whenever the topic of the Grexit comes up, it is difficult to avoid the name of:

Ilias Kasidiaris

Okay, maybe his name specifically doesn’t come up, but his legendary stupidity certainly does. While you might not know his name, I’m willing to bet that you’ve heard of him – and maybe even seen this video of television appearance he did in Greece attacking two other politicans:

Ilias Kasidiaris

Ilias Kasidiaris

He’s definitely the guy you want your daughter to bring home.

After he assaulted several people on national television, the former special forces solider, of course, did the honorable thing. When men from the station wrestled him into a locked room to hold him until the police could arrive, he broke down the door and escaped. I would like to take this opportunity to say how personally impressed at the courage of Mr. Kasidiaris. It takes a lot of guts to attack two unarmed women and then flee the police like a thief in the night. His cause is certainly one everyone can believe in.

The Golden Dawn party logo

The Golden Dawn party logo

This coward is a representative of a quirky little group of violently xenophobic jackasses known as the Golden Dawn party, and his utter idiocy does them justice. The Golden Dawn claims inspiration from Ioannis Metaxas, a dictator that briefly ruled Greece from 1936 to 1941. He patterned his government on that of Benito Mussiloni’s and thought Hitler was a pretty groovy guy. This sick fascination with Nazisim has been adopted by the Golden Dawn as well and is plainly evident in the stylized Greek meander they use in their official party logo. Metaxas’ Germanophilia didn’t keep the Axis powers from invading Greece later on, but luckily he was dead by then, and thus spared the humiliation of being throttled by his former hero Der Fuhrer.

The Golden Dawn, since its forming in the 1980s, has been associated over and over again with blatant displays of violence, particularly against women and foreigners. They believe that the source of Greece’s problems do not stem from true Greeks, but everyone else. Of course Greek troubles have nothing to do with the fact that Greece has no manufacturing infrastructure or respectable banking institutions – how silly of me to ever think that!

No one would have ever heard of these Golden Dawn lunatics, except for the fact that the Greek people, who are wary of the ideas of doing work and paying taxes but still wish to remain in the eurozone, decided to toss the ruling Panhellentic Socalist Movement party and New Democracy party out of power during elections in May. In the vaccum that followed the Golden Dawn party, whose campaign slogan for the election was “so we can rid this land of filth,” managed to get 21 seats.

The upshot of those elections is that there was no ruling party in Greece. There was an attempt to form a coalition government with leaders from the three largest parties, but it was doomed to failure out of the gate. It was laden with the same endless bickering that has brought Greece to the edge of disaster again and again.

Perhaps if they had included the Golden Dawn in the coalition, things might have gotten sorted out. Mr. Kasidiaris could have backhanded a few MPs and gotten things in order right quick. We all know how well violence at the hands of Fascists and Nazis works out for Greece, right?

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  1. if there really is a ted roe and not you joe,i dont know how anyone who has the nerve to call himself a reporter,would continue to post the incoherent rants from such a febble-minded moron.he does not impress anyone with an iq over 50 with his vocabulary,the substance of what he writes about shows how simple-minded and retarded this creep is.

    • Whenever someone like you (a.k.a. a person with the reasoning skills and grammatical proficiency of a guppy) insists I’m doing something wrong, that’s when I know I’m doing something right.

      Thanks for being a reader!


      • hmmm,very funny how a person with ur extraordinary reporting and logic skills(acc. to you) has such a high profile position with an audience of millions.(lmmfbo)btw,clown i have a documented IQ over 150 and my ablity to reason is second to none.i have acknowledged in the past on this site about my terrible spelling and less than adequet vocabulary,but i would debate you on any subject(with proper preperation time,as i have much more important things to do than fault find)and expose you as the pitiful clown you are. CHEERS