Wednesday, January 22

Theo’s Twit Of The Week: The Eurozone Edition

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Honorable Mentions

Francois Hollande

Franois Hollande, who looks like he is already preparing his 'oops, I done screwed up the economy' concession speech.

Franois Hollande, who looks like he is already preparing his 'oops, I done screwed up the economy' concession speech.

While not one of the PIIGS, France, which is the second largest economy in the eurozone, is showing all the signs of an impending debt crisis. How best to deal with the fact that your nanny state is going bankrupt? Why, lower the retirement age, of course!

Francois Hollande, who recently unseated Nicolas Sarkozy as president of France, is determined to do the exact opposite of what Germany, the true power behind the euro, wants. Instead of putting his fiscal house in order, this lion of the French Socialist party wants to increase spending without regard for debt, a fiscal tactic which worked wonders for the Soviet Union… and just about every other Communist country in the world.

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  1. if there really is a ted roe and not you joe,i dont know how anyone who has the nerve to call himself a reporter,would continue to post the incoherent rants from such a febble-minded moron.he does not impress anyone with an iq over 50 with his vocabulary,the substance of what he writes about shows how simple-minded and retarded this creep is.

    • Whenever someone like you (a.k.a. a person with the reasoning skills and grammatical proficiency of a guppy) insists I’m doing something wrong, that’s when I know I’m doing something right.

      Thanks for being a reader!


      • hmmm,very funny how a person with ur extraordinary reporting and logic skills(acc. to you) has such a high profile position with an audience of millions.(lmmfbo)btw,clown i have a documented IQ over 150 and my ablity to reason is second to none.i have acknowledged in the past on this site about my terrible spelling and less than adequet vocabulary,but i would debate you on any subject(with proper preperation time,as i have much more important things to do than fault find)and expose you as the pitiful clown you are. CHEERS