Sunday, February 23

Theo’s Twit Of The Week: The Eurozone Edition

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Mariano Rajoy

I know!  France was actually right about something.  We're shocked, too!

I know! France was actually right about something. We're shocked, too!

The recent elections in Spain were nearly the opposite of those in France. The Spanish people finally threw out the socialists that had utterly gutted their economy and elected a more conservative government headed by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. He started making moves to put Spain back on solid fiscal ground, but seemed grimly determined that the Spanish banking system, which is a catastrophic mess, would not require a bailout. He wasted months and months insisting Spain needed no help. When President Hollande recently pointed out that it was obvious Spain needed funds, Rajoy snapped back that the French president “does not know the state of Spanish banks.”

So what happened this weekend? Rajoy’s government finally caved and asked the eurozone and IMF for aid, to the tune of 100 billion euros (though some sources say Spain will need more than that). Well, the first part of fixing the problem is admitting you have it. Now all Spain needs to do is kick the euro for good and it might have a chance to prosper in the future.

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  1. if there really is a ted roe and not you joe,i dont know how anyone who has the nerve to call himself a reporter,would continue to post the incoherent rants from such a febble-minded moron.he does not impress anyone with an iq over 50 with his vocabulary,the substance of what he writes about shows how simple-minded and retarded this creep is.

    • Whenever someone like you (a.k.a. a person with the reasoning skills and grammatical proficiency of a guppy) insists I’m doing something wrong, that’s when I know I’m doing something right.

      Thanks for being a reader!


      • hmmm,very funny how a person with ur extraordinary reporting and logic skills(acc. to you) has such a high profile position with an audience of millions.(lmmfbo)btw,clown i have a documented IQ over 150 and my ablity to reason is second to none.i have acknowledged in the past on this site about my terrible spelling and less than adequet vocabulary,but i would debate you on any subject(with proper preperation time,as i have much more important things to do than fault find)and expose you as the pitiful clown you are. CHEERS