Saturday, March 29

Chicago’s War Against Sane Gun Control Rages On

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Of course, a citizen’s right to resist the tyranny of the government was exactly the reason men like James Madison made sure the second amendment exists. But what did Madison, author of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and his anti-Federalist buddies like Thomas Jefferson (who wrote some odd little paper called the Declaration of Independence) know about the natural rights of human beings? Certainly less than Rahm Emanuel!

So when the Supreme Court strikes down your unconstitutional ban on handguns, just pass another equally illegal law. And when a federal judge strikes that second law, just brag about how you will ignore the heart of his ruling. The culture of lawlessness among the Machine-backed political elite, the true criminals in Chicago, does not accept that there are things they cannot do to the citizens of Illinois. Throughout history, tyrants the world over (be they benevolent or not) love a populace that cannot resist their militaristic advance toward domination, and the Chicago Machine breeds immoral, morally-compromised tyrants like rotten meat breeds maggots.

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