Honorable Mentions
Wen Jiabao

French engineers worked around the clock to build a hat that the Chinese government could not pretend did not exist. They failed.
Chinese Premiere Wen Jiabao has publically vowed that the Communist Party of China will viciously crush any continued speculation about China’s absurdly over-inflated housing bubble. Failing that, Jiabao promised that he would take a page from Japan’s playbook and hide the true extent of the problem from the entire world until the whole shabang collapses into one, giant gibbering mess of a financial implosion.
Well, maybe he didn’t EXACTLY say that, but I’m reading between the lines here. Expecting truth out of a Communist-controlled command economy (that’s been sneaking some capitalist steroids) is like pretending your cat isn’t secretly peeing all over your furniture when you’re not home. We all want to believe things are going to plan, but sooner or later the urinary reek of truth is too hard to deny. Of course, the smell coming out of China has a little more cadmium to it.
Well TRoe, here we are not even a week after your “Twit of the Week: Stephanie Cutter” piece and Cutter’s charges against Romney are sticking and resonating with the public. As an added bonus the brouhaha is increasing the call for Romney to release more tax returns, even among Republicans. And, that undoubtedly will just open up whole new cans of worms for Romney.
Given your terrible call on Stephanie Cutter as your Twit of the Week, Teddy, I would like to nominate you as the next Twit of the Week. You’ve earned it.
Ah, The Jazz Quibbler strikes again.
Nothing is sticking on the Bain matter at all – unless you’re a mindless slave to MSNBC’s DNC propaganda machine or David Axelrod’s bootlick. Everyone else has admitted that Romney is not in the wrong on this one and that Cutter’s blithering tirade is entirely based on the shoddy work gleaned from a crooked newspaper story.
I personally think Mitt Romney is a terrible candidate, but he doesn’t deserve to be accused of a felony with no proof whatsoever. What Cutter did was character assassination (she leaves the real assassinations of Americans to her boss), and she did it in such a stupid and obviously incorrect manner that it boggles the mind.
But DNC shills like yourself and Cutter (who hail from the ‘cut and paste’ school of thinking) are not interested in facts. What drives you is some species of willful ignorance combined with religious devotion to failed economic and governmental polices.
Why don’t you try contributing something original, like an article, instead of trolling the comment boards? I know it is difficult to form your own thoughts, but why not give it a shot? It can’t be any more laughable than your comments.
Cordially yours,Theo
TRoe: “Nothing is sticking on the Bain matter at all…”
Nothing I tell ya’, nothing, he said, stomping his feet. Whatever you’re smoking there, Teddy, has put you in a blissful state of denial. The Bain matter isn’t going away any time soon, and neither is the matter of Romney’s tax returns. These things will dog Romney all the way up to election day.
Ah, The Jazz Quibbler strikes again.
Nothing is sticking on the Bain matter at all – unless you’re a mindless slave to MSNBC’s DNC propaganda machine or David Axelrod’s bootlick. Everyone else has admitted that Romney is not in the wrong on this one and that Cutter’s blithering tirade is entirely based on the shoddy work gleaned from a crooked newspaper story.
I personally think Mitt Romney is a terrible candidate, but he doesn’t deserve to be accused of a felony with no proof whatsoever. What Cutter did was character assassination (she leaves the real assassinations of Americans to her boss), and she did it in such a stupid and obviously incorrect manner that it boggles the mind.
But DNC shills like yourself and Cutter (who hail from the ‘cut and paste’ school of thinking) are not interested in facts. What drives you is some species of willful ignorance combined with religious devotion to failed economic and governmental polices.
Why don’t you try contributing something original, like an article, instead of trolling the comment boards? I know it is difficult to form your own thoughts, but why not give it a shot? It can’t be any more laughable than your comments.
Cordially yours,Theo