Sunday, March 30

Paul Ryan’s Demise

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Vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan

Vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan may have made the greatest mistake of his political career yesterday when he publically admitted to the crime of being stupid enough to jump on the Romney ticket. I’m not sure what he was promised, how much campaign money and/or political clout the RNC heavies offered him, but there is no way it will be enough. The DNC will lie, cheat and steal in order to humiliate and destroy Ryan, who has potential to be a serious foe in years to come.

Paranoia? Absolutely not.

It does not help that Ryan is a career politician without private sector business experience. He is, in effect, the exact kind of person that Romney has repeatedly and loudly said should not be running the executive branch of the federal government. Really, it is the only point he’s made clearly in the entire campaign. No one is terribly sure about his position on anything else, but it is hard to miss Romney’s constant touting of his business experience as the primary asset he will bring to the White House.

The Democrats don’t even need that talking point, though. They know that half-truths and lies, if they are salacious enough, always stick better than even a mildly complex argument like the one in the paragraph above. If Ryan ever looked askew at a gay kid in high school, he will soon be accused of committing a hate crime. If he ever rolled through a right turn on a red, he will be a reckless potential felon who’s threatened others with a lethal weapon. If he ever had the guts to stand up to entrenched government interests who want to steal from our retirement funds to fuel their own avarice and greed, he will be accused of murdering senior citizens.

Oh wait, that last one happened already.

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1 Comment

  1. Teddy, Teddy, Teddy, why such a negative Nellie? You’re raining on the big “Happy Days are Here Again” Republican parade.

    This momentous occasion deserves your full-throated support to buck up the troops! If nothing else, the choice of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney’s running mate will ensure that the base will come out and vote, which was no longer such a sure thing the way things had been going lately with Romney’s solo act. That counts for something.

    As a Democrat, I think the addition of Ryan to the ticket will mean that there will be more substance to debate and less of what you call, “lying, cheating and stealing” that’s got you so worked up.

    I’m confident that Paul Ryan has provided more than enough substantive rope to hang himself with in a national election beyond the friendly confines of just his home district.

    I fondly remember how Ryan persuaded Bush to make social security privatization the centerpiece of his disastrous second term. That went over like a lead balloon at the time. You thought you hated it then, wait till you try it now!

    Then there’s the two Ryan budgets that just about every Republican is on record voting for. That’s another loser, especially with senior citizens, a formidable voting block.

    So, let the battle be about the two differing visions for America: Republican and Democrat. Then it will be up to Romney/Ryan to defend Ryan’s Libertarian wet dream of drowning the government in a bathtub, offering healthcare coupons to future generations of seniors and privatizing social security. We’ll find out if America wants that. I’m betting they won’t.