Friday, March 28

The Clinton Catastrophe

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Obama must be getting smarter in his old age. Recently he agreed with a statement floating around on Twitter that Bill Clinton should be his “Secretary of Explaining Things.” Lately everyone seems to be gobbling up Clinton’s particular brand of bullshit, but that is nothing new. Obama could learn a thing or two about how politics is actually played from a man like Bill Clinton. He may be the most gifted politician of his generation… and I do not mean that as a compliment.

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton

Slick Willy is a master of spinning extravagant, beautiful and utterly untrue tales. He is the only known President of the United States to lie under oath to Congress, yet he is still wildly popular. Heck, he even conducted an extensive military strikes (Operations Infinite Reach and Desert Fox) in a blatant attempt to divert attention away from those proceedings. It was such an obvious ploy that reporters called Operation Infinite Reach “Monica’s War.”

The Clintons dodged going to jail for Whitewater. Clinton even had the temerity to pardon the people who went to jail protecting him and his wife. In the end, no one cared. Today Bill is one of the most powerful men in the Democrat Party and his wife is Secretary of State.

This trend of lying and covering up has continued, with the full complicity of the media. There is no better example than the parade of lies that marched out of Clinton’s mouth at his recent DNC speech.

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1 Comment

  1. What a pant load, Teddy, even for you this is quite a pant load.

    First, it was a terrific speech, one of the best that I have ever seen.

    Second, LEGITIMATE fact checkers, Politifact and have found only minor faults with Clinton’s speech and unlike you, in the cases where they disagree they spell out their reasons why.

    You criticize Clinton for conducting Operations Infinite Reach and Desert Fox making the outrageous claim that it was a “obvious ploy” to divert attention away from the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

    But what you failed to tell your readers is that both of those operations were missile strikes aimed at taking out Osama bin Laden. I guess you don’t mention that because it flies in the face of another favorite right-wing narrative that Clinton let bin Laden get away.

    But that’s just indicative of how deep right wing bullshit runs, one lie gets tripped up by another lie.

    And that brings us back to Romney/Ryan. Those two have been caught in so many lies that they don’t even try anymore, they’re not going to let their campaign be dictated by fact checkers. Good luck with that strategy.