Friday, March 28

Jihadists and Fuhrers and Premieres, Oh My!

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Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei

Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei

A New York Times story that the United States and Iran had finally come to an agreement to engage in bilateral talks concerning Iran’s uranium enrichment program has been the talk of the town. Both sides immediately disavowed any knowledge of this clandestine arrangement, of course, and the Times has not given up their source, so this could all just be hot air.

While he would not say that this agreement exists in any shape or form, Tommy Vietor, a White House spokesman, commented yesterday that the Obama administration has “said from the outset that we would be prepared to meet bilaterally.”

Bilateral talks with Iran are certain to now come up in tomorrow’s presidential debate. The staggering stupidity of the Obama administration’s bizarre fantasy that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the life-long elected Muslim monarch of the Islamic Republic of Iran, will ever tell his pawns deal squarely with Americans should be evident to everyone in the world – but just to hammer the point home, I’ve put together this little quiz. Enjoy!

[mtouchquiz 2]

1 Comment

  1. Ali Khamenei has said some nasty things, therefore we can never ever negotiate with the leaders of Iran to try to find a peaceful solution to our differences.

    Why, that would be like Republicans negotiating in good faith with Obama and Democrats after all of the nasty things they said about them in the 2008 election. Republicans were left with no option but to obstruct everything that Democrats have tried to do over the last four years.

    So, for Iran, it’s obvious but we have no choice but to invade Iran and change their regime to one of our liking. This means WAR!


    Of course I’m being facetious about our need to go to war with Iran. We don’t. Obama has been the change that we have needed in our foreign policy to get us away from Bush’s, shoot first, ask questions later brand of foreign relations. That policy led to this country’s greatest blunder in modern times, the war in Iraq.