Sunday, February 23

A Trimphus For The Conquering Hero

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And what were the spoils of Obama’s war? We are another six trillion dollars in debt, and we haven’t even begun to feel the pain of Obama’s greatest victory in the war against American solvency – The Affordable Care Act. Unemployment is still dismally high and our economy is growing at a measly 2 percent, despite trillions poured into the economy through stimulus schemes.

Is there any way to protect ourselves from all of this?

In the streets surrounding the inauguration march some people were offering a suitable prophylactic.

Well, maybe not for Obama’s horrifying agenda, but protection for your own (and the small business man’s) stimulated package. Obama condoms (“For Hard Times” according to the manufacturer) were making the rounds at the festivities, along with commemorative fake Obama money (only paper though, no platinum thankfully) and posters of the re-elected president striking a thoughtful pose next to other fake African-American visionaries like the racist and segregationist Malcolm X.

Aside from the black market merchandising there was also an official inauguration store, run by (surprise, surprise) Obama bundler and DNC fundraiser Mark Weiner. It doesn’t have the Obama condoms, but you can buy a $7,500 medallion set emblazoned with the profile of the president and his memory-impaired hitman, Smilin’ Joe Biden. The medallions might be useful in the future, though, as they can be melted down and sold for their metal value if the economy totally collapses in 2015.

But now the party is over, and it is back to business as usual in Washington. We will have to wait another four year to see who will replace (or, hopefully replace) Obama, but we do not need a magic wand or crystal ball to foresee the financial outcome of another four years of his wasteful regime. My only hope that is that staggering weight of all that state and federal debt, combined with the increasingly obvious failure of our social safety net programs, will finally shock America into action, guaranteeing Barack Obama’s presidency will be remembered as one of the most tragic failures in U.S. history.

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1 Comment

  1. Enjoying your sour grapes, Teddy?

    Instead of hating the popular kids because their popular, Republicans have to figure out how to make themselves more attractive to voters. One thing is sure, attacking women, minorities and the social safety net will NOT make you popular.