Saturday, February 22

Secret Agent Rodman Worms His Way Into The Hermit Kingdom

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Hugging Dennis Rodman can be dangerous. Just ask Carmen Electra.

Hugging Dennis Rodman can be dangerous. Just ask Carmen Electra.

While one would expect an official state-run trip to Juche-land (like Disneyland, only the food is slightly worse) would avoid tours of the death camps and nuclear testing facilities, most travelers in the country unavoidably notice the thin veneer of prosperity for the whitewash that it is. Not Dennis, though. At first not sure which Korea he was in, he quickly became enamored of the totalitarian Communist paradise and its leader. Upon his return to the United States he engaged in a veritably orgy of praise for Kim Jong-un. The gushing became almost surreal during Rodman’s interview with George Stephanopoulos.

The media attention, ranging from mildly-disgusted to openly hostile, has been brutal. While Rodman immediately cancelled all further interviews, he has managed to stay in the news. Last night Rodman was kicked out of the bar at the Time Hotel in mid-town Manhattan for spending three hours loudly proclaiming the excellence that is Kim Jong-un. He was even carting around an autographed thick sheaf of papers purported to be the diminutive tyrant’s manifesto.

(North Korean Fun Fact: Each copy of Kim Jong-un’s manifesto is printed on the pulped remains of five political prisoners, which are more plentiful than the country’s trees!)

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