Saturday, February 22

Secret Agent Rodman Worms His Way Into The Hermit Kingdom

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I’m sure we’ve not heard quite the last of this little fiasco, but it does beg the question of how stupid Dennis Rodman could actually be. How could anyone with full use of his or her five senses not understand the extent of the repression in North Korea and that country’s dictator’s complicity in the continuation of that repression? How could anyone with even the vaguest residue of a moral compass not be utterly disgusted with the thirty-something “Dear Leader?”

There is another explanation. Rodman actually works for the CIA.

Bear with me a moment.

Rodman is a pretty famous basketball player. Heck he was on several championship teams with Kim Jong-un’s idol, Michael Jordan. On top of this he is obviously a bust-out with little or no self-respect. How hard could it be for the CIA to recruit him for the task of endearing himself to young, impressionable Kim Jong-un? I’m willing to bet that Rodman has IRS issues (or, if he doesn’t, those can be easily “arranged”). Here’s your Get Out Of Jail Free card, Dennis. We’ll gave the same offer to Wesley Snipes (but he didn’t want to go to Libya…).

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