Sunday, February 23

Massachusetts Votes For Democracy, Not The DNC

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You see, citizens of Massachusetts are moved protest a sketchy bill still being hammered out in the backrooms and bars of D.C. because they have seen the writing on the wall. They have their own state-wide universal health care mess to deal with.

The bill, which was passed in 2006 and is the basis for much of the DNC’s national bills, is an atrocious piece of work, already costing much more than predicted. Overall costs on health programs in the Commonwealth have increased by 42% in less than four years. To counter this, the state has massively increased fines for people who refuse to buy the state insurance, expanded business penalties, hiked taxes on hospitals and private insurance providers, and it is still short on money. Doctors have already begun refusing service to people on the price-controlled state-run health insurance policy. While Massachusetts has one of the lowest rates of uninsured in the country, only 32% of voters in Massachusetts agree the legislation is working correctly. What good is insurance that doctors refuse to accept?

What is next? More regulation, more taxes and more rationing. The people of Massachusetts know this, they are angry, and they reacted. When they saw the same thing happening on a national level, as universal health care in Massachusetts is the framework for the national plan, they reacted. When their trusted Democratic Party nominee says she will back the national plan, they reacted. The reaction was to elect a Republican who’s (and let’s not kid ourselves here) sole platform point was that he can break the Democrat supermajority in the Senate, thus crushing the current national health care initiative.

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  1. Chicago Catholic on

    Good article, Téodoro. (I don’t mean to be crude, but hopefully this guy can keep it in his pants.)

    A great day for the State of Massachusetts and a great day for United States in general.

  2. Take that dem corruptocrats thats 3 and 0 – including nj and virginia last nov. Too bad little dick turbin wasnt up for reelection in nov. Momentum is the life blood of politics and obama (carter?) pelosi reid have fettered their 08 credit. Cap and trade dead, healthcare takeover dead. It is a great day to be an american and this is just the beginning! if you love america vote for a conservative this fall!

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