Sunday, February 23

Rosen, The AP And Da President

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I know Obama and his clique hate Fox News, but even the thicker heads among them must have known something this ludicrous would eventually come out. Why would they ever allow something like this to happen?

Anyone who would ask that question doesn’t understand Chicago politics very well.

Da Mayor and Da President

Da Mayor and Da President

John Kass got in the right ballpark with a few of his recent columns, namely Proliferating scandals expose truth about Obama and IRS scandal a reminder of how I learned about The Chicago Way. Dissent is not tolerated here. There is only one party, there is only one boss. It doesn’t matter what that boss does. He can steal your your newspaper; he can dump his trash on your lawn. He can mess with your business; he can sleep with your wife.

What can you do?


Well, no. That isn’t true. You can smile and say thank you. If you’re lucky, enough continuous acts of sycophantry might (and I stress might) get you somewhere down the line.

If you try to do anything else, then it is time to make an example out of you. Standing up will only get you punished. Ask Frank.

There is nothing sacred about the truth (or even its more debased cousin, the news) in Chicago politics. For these vultures the news (and the reporters delivering it) is something that is meant to be manipulated when it can be, and ignored when it cannot. And when the stuff really hits the fan, we find that no one in charge had any idea what was going on. Anyone notice the similarity of strategy between Hired Truck and the IRS debacle? It was low level functionaries pulling all the strings! We didn’t know!

Chicago is the school were Obama and his cronies learned how to play politics, and this is what the electorate voted into office. Daley D.C. The District of The 51st Ward. Da Mayor In Chief.

Well, maybe it isn’t exactly what the Hollywood lefties wanted, but it’s what we got now. Now everyone has gotten a little taste of the Windy City’s proprietary blend of fascism. Hopefully the citizens of the United States will be less tolerant of this than the people of Chicago and hold Barack Obama to task for this (and several other) grievous breech of Constitutional rights and moral decency.

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1 Comment

  1. jazzquipster on

    Despite a full-court press by Republicans in Congress and the right-wing media promoting three weeks of scandal stories, the president’s approval rating remains strong at 51% positive according to the latest Washington Post/ABC poll.

    A majority of Americans believe that Obama is focused on issues important to them personally. By contrast, only 33% think so of Republicans in Congress.

    Republicans should take a hint from this: Americans have tuned them out.

    I recently saw this Facebook posting that I think, explains why: