Monday, February 24

A Tolerant Pope Checked By An Angry Vatican

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Don’t they realize that atheists don’t care about heaven, because they do not believe it exists? To people like me the pope’s statement was a welcome respite from the continual, droning monotonous moral superiority of religions like Christianity, Islam and Judaism – three of the greatest mass murdering organizations in history – not a blanket invitation to head up to an endless angel tea party in the clouds. The admission that doing good during our limited time on earth is the greatest and most fundamental part of being a decent human being and that being a member of a church is of secondary importance in the grand scheme of things is a far more profound and inclusive statement than any other pope has ever uttered. The recognition that one’s beliefs are less important than one’s actions is a positive lesson for people of any (or no) religious faith.

Sadly the Catholic Syndicate missed the point, being absorbed with more “important” matters like denouncing Harry Potter books and cracking down on American nuns. The Church’s obsession with its place as the supreme arbiter of truth has once again marred the message of tolerance it pretends to proclaim. I don’t need to “enter her” for salvation, Father Rosica, but perhaps you might consider a parallel course of action with a more fleshy incarnation of femininity, if only to relax a bit and gain a little perspective on the supremacy of good works for their own sake. Trust me, it’s worth the time in purgatory.

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