Saturday, February 22

A Washington Where Every Day Is Election Day

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Last night saw the first State of the Union speech of President Barack Obama. Expectations ran a wide range. There were several indications that he would make a move towards the center, the safe bet in America, especially in today’s political climate. This is the sort of pandering a consummate politician, like Bill Clinton, would make. When Congress violently shifted into Republican hands in 1994, President Clinton, who was also trying to push health care legislation through, changed tack along with the voters. He is an expert at tuning into what people want to hear and then saying it to them, regardless of his own personal beliefs (if he has any – it is hard to tell).

So the one thing I can tell you about Barack Obama is that, for all his public speaking skill and suave manner, he is no Bill Clinton.

Instead of taking the safe route and dialing his rhetoric to fit the current political landscape, President Obama has stuck to his guns. I may not agree with what he has to say, but I can at least give him respect for that. I have long had a concern that President Obama might be telling everyone what they want to hear and let the contradictions fall where they may. Last night it became clear that he has his agenda and is not willing to deviate from it in any serious way.

This is excellent, because it gives us a good idea of how to oppose his ever expanding government. If he continues to stick to this plan, cogent arguments against his march towards socialism can be made. It is plain to see that his policies are ineffective. The Massachusetts rebellion proved that. Now it is a simple manner of finding a Republican candidate who isn’t a drooling, born-again Bible (or Book of Mormon) thumping idiot to replace him.

Hmmm. Maybe that won’t be so simple… (Rudy, where are you?)

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