Saturday, February 22

Russian Intransigence Continues

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To make America’s unwillingness to confront the evil of the modern Russian regime more than just some simpering words on a fake plastic button, the Obama administration abandoned our Polish and Czech allies by scrapping the missile defense shield begun under Bush 43. Why? Because it made Putin unhappy.

Oh no! A former KGB Colonel is displeased with the fact that we’re helping defend our allies, countries that used to belong to the Soviet satellite hegemony. We should immediately cease in desist in doing so!

Hyperbole aside, I would hope that concerns other than the happiness of Russia went into the decision to abandon our Polish friends, but I think trying to appease men like Putin had much more to do with it than is healthy or right.

Regardless of our reasons, this move was yet another clear signal that the Obama administration was not willing to confront Russia in any way, shape or form. To men like Putin, this is weakness, and we know what the KGB was willing to do to the weak.

Syria may be the most glaring representation of this. Hundreds of thousands of men, women and children are being systematically slaughtered, both through conventional and chemical attacks. The Iranian-backed fundamentalist Muslim militia Hezbollah is openly allying with President Assad’s forces. The world knows some action must be taken, and what is Russia doing? They actively block all actions against Assad’s regime and continue to sell advanced weaponry to the tottering dictator.

This is being done by the same man that prosecuted the Second Chechen War, the same man who urged Muslim fundamentalists to come to Moscow, where they would get their testicles cut off. Russia has probably had more problems with militant Islam than America or Western Europe, but, to humiliate the U.S. and her allies, he is willing to work with one of the most heinous (and well-funded) Muslim terrorist groups in the world.

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