Thursday, March 27

Hillary Allies NBC And CNN Begin The Clinton Campaign Early

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The news has been out for some time about the upcoming Clinton Lovefest to be sponsored by DNC shills the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) and the Cable News Network (CNN). Both stations are getting ready to produce television extravaganzas celebrating the excellence of Hillary Clinton.

The unavoidable conclusion that these productions should be a major conflict of interest for these stations is plain to all. It is particularly egregious that CNN, which claims to be an impartial news service, would spend their time and money on fluffing up a political candidate. At least NBC is already known for its many works of fiction.

Our next president?

Our next president?

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, while acknowledging that both stations have a right to produce whatever they wish, admonished the stations for their “thinly-veiled attempt at putting a thumb on the scales of the 2016 presidential election.” Priebus went on to say that, if the programs are aired as scheduled, he will push for the GOP to neither partner with nor sanction presidential primary debates affiliated with the networks.

Hopefully Priebus could pull something like this off, but I have a feeling his bluff will be called.

So while we all wait in eager anticipation of the new Hillary Clinton campaign ads…er biopics, here’s a hit list of some of Hillary’s greatest accomplishments over the past few decades:

Whitewater (1992) – Hillary was a key player in a series of intricate real estate dealings collectively known as Whitewater. Several people involved in these deals, including Jim and Susan McDougal, were convicted of crimes stemming from Whitewater. Susan in particular refused to answer questions about the Clintons. The Clintons also pressured banker David Hale to loan the McDougals 300,000 dollars.

White House travel office controversy (Travelgate) (1993) – Hillary Clinton pens an order to “get our people” into the White House Travel office. Several employees of the White House Travel Office are fired to make way for Hillary Clinton supporters. William Dale, the former head of the department, was indicted on charges of embezzling 88,000 dollars, largely on the testimony of a 25-year-old Clinton cousin who replaced Dale. A jury quickly acquitted Dale of all charges.

Cattle Futures Controversy (Cattlegate) (1994) – In 1979 Hillary Clinton, who supposedly learned about the stock market from “reading the Wall Street Journal,” invested 1,000 dollars in cattle futures and, within 10 months, made over 100,000 dollars. She then pulled out of the market. The Journal of Economics and Statistics published a paper written by economists from the University of North Florida and Auburn University. They placed the odds of getting a 100 fold return on investment in the cattle market in 1979 at one in 31 billion.

Jim Blair, who handled Clinton’s account, was a big-time exec at Tyson Foods and was often promoted politically by the Clinton clan. It is far more likely this windfall was a political payoff.

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1 Comment

  1. jazzquipster on

    Wow, I actually agree with Teddy that the NBC Hillary movie and the CNN Hillary report, both scheduled right before the presidential election, are bad ideas.

    While Teddy assumes that they will both be big wet kisses to Clinton, I think it is just as likely that they will be the opposite: that they will be like Teddy’s rehash of every pre-fabricated narrative about Hillary that the right-wing echo-chamber has ever come up with, and probably a few new ones for good measure.

    Whatever the plans are and whatever slant they may take, I don’t think either of these shows will be helpful to voters. It will be a distraction from the real issues.