Sunday, February 23

Hillary Allies NBC And CNN Begin The Clinton Campaign Early

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White House FBI files controversy – (Filegate) (1996) – White House operatives beholden to Hillary Clinton for their hiring order the FBI to hand over background reports on political enemies. Then–FBI director Louis Freeh called it “an egregious violation of privacy.”

Missing Billing Records (Billing-Records Gate) (1996) – Billing records from Hillary Clinton’s time at the Rose Law Firm, sought by Congress for years, are magically discovered on a coffee table in the private residence section of the White House.

Health-Care Gate (1997) – Federal judge Royce Lamberth levied $286,000 in sanctions against Bill Clinton’s administration for “running amok” in a “cover-up” of Hillary Clinton’s health-care task force. The scandal began when deputy White House counsel Vincent Foster made contradictory assertions about the first lady’s job status, in an attempt to keep the work of the task force secret. Foster later committed suicide, and a Secret Service agent saw Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, Margaret Williams, carry boxes of papers out of Foster’s office before investigators showed up to seal it.

Falsified FEC documents (2000) – Hillary Clinton’s 2000 senate campaign massively misreported donations, particularly in the case of Peter Paul.

The Hiring of Sandy Berger (2008) – Berger, convicted in 2005 for the theft of secret documents from the National Archives, is hired by Hillary Clinton as her Foreign Policy Adviser.

Hillary Goes To Bat For Bill’s Donors (2009) – The AP reveals that, as a Senator, Hillary Clinton intervened at least six times in government issues directly affecting companies and people who contributed money to Bill Clinton’s foundation.

Wikileaks (2010) – Official documents show Hillary Clinton ordered diplomats to spy on UN leaders.

Concussiongate (2012) – Hillary Clinton fakes a concussion to put off answering questions about…

The Benghazi Scandal (2012) – The U.S. State Department fails to protect a U.S. ambassador and his entourage from a terrorist attack, resulting in the deaths of four. Hillary Clinton, to this day, continues to cover up her office’s insane ineptitude in dealing with this criminal offense.

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1 Comment

  1. jazzquipster on

    Wow, I actually agree with Teddy that the NBC Hillary movie and the CNN Hillary report, both scheduled right before the presidential election, are bad ideas.

    While Teddy assumes that they will both be big wet kisses to Clinton, I think it is just as likely that they will be the opposite: that they will be like Teddy’s rehash of every pre-fabricated narrative about Hillary that the right-wing echo-chamber has ever come up with, and probably a few new ones for good measure.

    Whatever the plans are and whatever slant they may take, I don’t think either of these shows will be helpful to voters. It will be a distraction from the real issues.