Sunday, February 23

HEU’s Mad At Iran? Russia

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Russia’s Atomstroyexport helped build Iran’s first commercial nuclear reactor at Bushehr. I’ve detailed the wonderful deal Russia and Iran cut years ago to build a 20 plant network and have Russia handle all the spent fuel rods from the plants. Of course all this is now out the window, especially since Iran is clearly able now to generate enough fuel themselves.

So Iran doesn’t need Russia anymore. Gee, I wonder if that’s why the former superpower is angry. Iran was supposed to be Russia’s newest cash cow. Its hunger for nuclear technology, vast crude oil-based wealth and totalitarian regime looked like sweetest mix of stupidity and greed Russia could hope for. Sadly it was not the case. Now Russia is not getting the fat cash they wanted and Iran has taken their technology and built their own nuclear program.

But Ivan isn’t so easily crossed – just ask Georgia. In what I believe to be a fit of pique Russia is yet again postponing its delivery of the S-300 air defense missile system to Iran. This is supposedly due to technical issues, but it is obvious that any deployment of this system would pose a problem if it is deemed necessary to commit airstrikes against Iranian targets. Russia, for all its bluster about military options being off the table, is apparently interested in leaving its supposed ally vulnerable to a NATO or Israeli attack.

It is hilarious, though, that Russia is actually taking a harder approach towards Iran than the Europeans. Europe, that supposed super(hero)power in the European Union cape and Euro dollar mask, has only threatened to stop doing some insurance business with Iran. It isn’t even the EU that’s making this threat, rather private insurance companies that are tired of Iran’s duplicitous dealings. The EU found out Iran was blatantly lying to them about their nuclear program during talks a few years ago and did exactly nothing about it. I wonder why Iran doesn’t consider them a threat. You’ll notice there are no chants of ‘Death to The European Union’ at the state-run rallies.

The only real threat to Iran’s power is the United States, as we have annihilated two disgustingly corrupt and evil governments on either side of their pitiful country over the past decade, and Israel, who have shown they are perfectly willing to bomb another sovereign nation’s nuclear experiments. And, thanks to Russia, we both might have a chance to end this charade in Iran before it really begins.

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