Sunday, February 23

Cannabis And Cash: Two Shades Of Green California Wants

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While Schwarzenegger idolizes former California governor (not to mention president) Ronald Regan, his stance on the potential legality of this issue could not be farther from the Gipper’s. While I count myself as a Republican, I do find the mainstream GOP’s arch-conservative social agenda a mortifying blot on an otherwise excellent political party. I do applaud many Reagan-era decisions, but on the issue of legalizing marijuana I hope I hope Ronald is rolling over in his grave. His ill-conceived war on drugs has clogged the legal system, bankrupted prisons and made monsters out of drug control agencies like the DEA and ATF. I thought Republicans were for smaller government and less interference in our daily lives? This grass-roots (no pun intended) reaction to massive state and federal intrusion is proof enough that his failed drug policies have come back to haunt us.

So aside from some lofty speech about personal freedom, why should we legalize marijuana? Proponents of the new law estimate that Californians spent 15 billion dollars last year on illegal marijuana. That is a mountain of potential tax revenue for the cash-strapped Golden State, and the same would be true all across the country. Allowing for legal production and distribution of marijuana will also move cash out of the hands of underworld organizations like Mexican Drug Cartels. The last thing we need to do is hand these lunatics any more money. Their war for dominance is a plague of death and destruction in Mexico, and it has begun to spill over into the United States as well.

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  1. Dude, I wrote the wrong shit on the wrong blog. Probably because I was stoned ‘n’ shit. I actually can’t remember what I wrote, but it was something about how much I enjoyed this article.

    Peace out, Teddy Roe.

    PS: You don’t know what I did to my car keys do you? I can’t seem to find them.

  2. Well, I’ve tried it and do not see the problem with it–especially in the privacy of one’s home. It’s much safer than alcohol in my opinion. And if you go with cookies or brownies, it takes the carcinogen argument out of the equation.

    Joe, what is your opinion?

  3. I think if its done in moderation via adults in an appropriate setting – whats the big deal? Personally, I do not use the drug, but I do not frown on people that do use it. Like any drug (including alcohol) too much is not a good thing.

  4. Joseph Fosco on

    I think it should remain illegal so law enforcement can have total control over the scofflaws that use it – to prevent problems from getting too big.

    It has been around forever – it will be around forever.

  5. Historic statewide initiative in California to legalize, control, and tax cannabis. Help build national support for the movement. Sign up on the website, join the campaign!