Sunday, February 23

Obama’s Slick Move To Lift Ban On Offshore Drilling Is A Bit Crude

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Republican skepticism does not constitute the only flak he’s receiving over this decision. Environmental organizations are busy tearing the president a new one. The head of the Sierra Club expressed his deep disappointment with the decision, stating that, “Drilling our coasts will doing nothing to lower gas prices or create energy independence. It will only jeopardize beaches, marine life and coastal tourist economies, all so the oil industry can make a short-term profit.” The Sierra Club formerly endorsed Barack Obama with glowing reviews, particularly citing his campaign’s promise to “opposes destructive oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and on fragile coasts.”

So why did President Obama lift the moratorium? Maybe he is genuinely trying to do the right thing. Now that he is in office he might want to put aside all the implausible garbage he sold the public in order to actually do thing that work. Pioneering the new technologies needed to wean ourselves (and the world) off of fossil fuels is wise, as it will create mountains of new patents for us to profit off of, but to expect a sudden transition from our current system to a revolutionary new one is totally unfeasible. Until we are able to stand entirely on our own, we should do the green thing and drill here (think hauling all that crude oil across vast oceans is ecologically sound work?) and filling the pockets of tin-pot dictators and religious zealots.

I just hope he’s serious.

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  1. This reminds me of a comment I once heard of in regards to Sen, Ted Kennedy – who also was supposedly an opponent of offshore drilling. After Kennedy was seen carrying on an amorous relationship on his sailboat, Republican Senator Howell Heflin was said to have commented that it appeared that Kennedy “had done changed his position on offshore drilling.” Just like Obama, hypocritical and phony – just in a different way! LOL

  2. This is the first president i can remember calling the american people out with his comments like “thats a fight i want to have” regarding 60% wanting healthcare reform repealed. He has a non violent civil war on his hands meaning his agenda is declaring war on the producers of america. I cant wait for 11 2 2010!

  3. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Galt,

    Do you think that is why he wants to take our right to guns away – so the Civil War remains non violent. In other words, so he wins.

  4. Abortion – gun control eco enviro terror – demonizing religion are the corner stone of liberalism or progressivism. Support of these is meant to dehumanize the individual and promote a secular society a utopia whereas the individual subjagates to the state and its agenda. King obama, feckless reid, football face pelosi and little dick turbin will only win if americans tire, falter or “shut up and sit down” myself i am doubling down on americans remaining engaged in this non violent counter revolution.

  5. winter spring summer fall on

    Dear Joe,
    When are you going to do another article on organized crime and when do you expect it to come out?

  6. Joe i found a comment on another thread about this blog being a “potential disaster” extremely amusing. Libel and slander laws protect law abiding private people not criminals or verbal bomb throwers like cerone etc. Affadavitts are great but im sure many in chicago may jump at the opportunity to dipose your foes. Could you educate me on the difference between a person in the public eye vs a private person as it relates to current technology? In the mean time i will remain “clinging to my god, guns and ktf media!”