Wednesday, March 26

A Curriculum in Family: St Mary of the Angels School

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We search our entire lives for the answer. We observe. We calculate. We plot. Do we know for what we are looking? We base our answer upon our experience, whether first or second hand. We read, then we listen, then we read again. Do we have the right information? Are our sources sufficient? Do we know the question?

Answers to life are usually through a form of education. There are various media outlets we use to gather facts and opinions to formulate what we believe to be the answer. Sometimes we are not quite sure and many times we are just simply wrong, but we continue to search for what is right. We educate ourselves to become better people. We educate our youth to carry on greatness. We make education the core for our existence. We continue to learn until we are gone. Education: possibly the most important gift from God.

God has given us the Bible to learn of his teachings and Laws. We learn the History of our being and guidance for our lives. He gives us the ability to understand and to communicate. He has given us education. And He has provided us with the faculty to teach. We have the faculty of mind to pass on our learning and faculties of beautiful people who devote their lives to teaching our children at our schools and campuses. We know the importance of education, but do we know where and who will be helping us teach our families the values of faithfulness, honor, generosity, and community.

We search for schools for our children. We look in magazine articles, we read the newspaper specials on the best schools, we talk to neighbors, and we look on the internet for numbers on the hundreds of schools where our children could possibly go. Do we have enough information? Have we missed anything? Is our search complete? This task of such grandeur is always so difficult. It is all learned from the opinions of others. We do not attend the classes for 9 years and see how it goes. We do not go through each course and read each book that is presented to our youth. We decide based on faith and understanding. Education and our schools in Chicago are beautiful. We are fortunate to have so many choices and opportunities. Not all opportunities are the same, but still, the education for our youth in Chicago rises to become one of the best.

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