Sunday, February 23

A Curriculum in Family: St Mary of the Angels School

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St Mary of the Angels creates a complete family feeling by also keeping parents in mind. They have extended class days for working parents and half- and full-day teachings for pre-K kids starting at 3 years of age. St Mary of the Angel’s has excelled at combining traditional family values with modern advancements in scholastics. Their Promethean Boards and computer labs give students an advantage when they enter high school. A great Catholic school that is easy to find once you discover it.

Also take a look at the beautiful Church; Opened in 1920, it is considered one of the best representations of Roman Renaissance architecture in North America. It also houses a copy of the holy icon of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa that was blessed by Pope John Paul II in 1979.

Here is more information if you would like to contact St Mary of the Angels:

St. Mary of the Angels School
Chuck Sullivan Development
1810 N. Hermitage Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60622
Phone (773) 486-0119

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