Wednesday, January 22

Commitment, Action, and Results: Father Michael Pfleger

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Recently, I have read a number of words, sentences, and paragraphs regarding Father Michael Pfleger. Some were very complimentary. Some were not. So, I wanted to find out about Father Pfleger. Let’s look at what he has accomplished. It is quite impressive.

Father Pfleger attended St. Thomas More Grammar School, Archbishop Quigley Preparatory Seminary South, Loyola University, and the University of Saint Mary of the Lake. He was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Chicago and currently serves St. Sabrina Catholic Church in Chicago.

At St. Sabina, he has established a number of centers to help the community. He runs an employment resource center and a social service center providing food, clothing, counseling, and human resource information to those going through difficult times to assist thousands of people per month. The Ark is dedicated to the youth in the community and focuses on positive alternatives against gangs, drugs, and guns. This center offers free programs 6-days a week to the youth of the community and serves hundreds of kids per day. There is also The St. Sabrina Aids Clinic and a home for elders. Father Pfleger holds weekly sessions for those who are preparing to enter the church and weekly Bible study meetings. At Saint Sabrina, there are a number of organizations who are dedicated to assist the community with everything from alcohol and drug recovery to intercessory prayer. There are various choirs, brotherhoods, sisterhoods, teenage groups, outreach to the poor groups, and revival groups who meet regularly.

Father Michael Pfleger is also one of those priests who carry out the teachings of Christ outside of his Church. In his neighborhood, he has pushed hard against drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. Father has been involved in anti-gang and anti-drug marches to improve the community. He is not afraid to get involved in controversial arenas, either. He teaches the community not to listen to the words of disrespectful musicians who sing against the teachings of the Lord and he established job training and counseling for prostitutes in the area.

In 1981, he became the proud adoptive father of an eight-year-old son, Lamar. In 1992, he also became the adoptive father of Beronti. In 1997, he became a foster father to Jarvis Franklin, who was tragically killed because of gang crossfire on May 30, 1998. Father-A man involved in community. A man involved in family. Father Pfleger is a man of commitment to God, Jesus, and Catholicism. He has brought about results, real life results that have touched many people’s lives. But, should we disregard all the good that Father Pfleger has brought to our environment? He has been accused of unconventional and inappropriate actions he uses to carry out the Word of God. Who are we to criticize his actions? Who are we to forget the life he has dedicated to serving God? Who are we to judge? Father Pfleger shows his commitment, takes action, and gets results.

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