Saturday, March 29

Some Hold Loyola Hospital Partially Responsible For Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino Jr. Retaining Authority To Issue Narcotics

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Dr. Joseph Giacchino started his medical career in the 1970s working as a surgeon for Loyola Hospital in Maywood, Illinois. Kidney transplantation quickly became the main focus of Giacchino’s career in those days.

Dr. Giacchino explained to me that he first met Chicago Mob Boss Jackie “The Lackey” Cerone during his employment at Loyola Hospital. In a short time Giacchino and Cerone became close pals. Dr. Giacchino told me that sometime prior to his abrupt departure from Loyola in the early 1980s Jack Cerone introduced him to a Greek man by the name of Gus Alex (one of Cerone’s criminal colleagues). Giacchino mentioned to me that the connection was made for the purpose of fixing the kidney waiting list for a Greek organization. This group was willing to pay $50,000.00 in cash per patient, provided that a kidney was received immediately.

According to his story, Giacchino attempted to corrupt his own supervisor in order to make the plan work. Giacchino quickly discovered that his supervisor reported his criminal intentions to the President of Loyola Hospital.

Thanks to the good work of the supervisor, Dr. Giacchino was caught before he ever had a chance to blatantly sell kidneys like some back alley Tijuana butcher. Giacchino refers to this experience as the best thing that ever happened to him. Since he was forced to resign from Loyola because of this incident, he decided to go into private practice which eventually made him a very rich man. Giacchino told me that, because Loyola was purportedly worried about a scandal, he avoided being reported to law enforcement. The gut-wrenching truth is that Giacchino was never held accountable for his despicable actions.

Today, Giacchino still has his medical license. Despite one suspension of his license relating to a narcotics indictment in the 1980s (fixed by Mob Boss Jack Cerone via Anthony Erbacci, a family member of his son’s law firm), Giacchino and his convicted drug dealing wife, Maria Luisa Gil-Giacchino, live the American dream in a mansion with their own Bentley automobiles.



  1. Mr. Anthony on

    How in God’s creation can Loyola not report a crime like this to the police?

  2. Hey Joe,
    Why did you keep Giacchino as your doctor if you were aware of his colorful past?

  3. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Brian,
    A good question deserves a good answer. My answer is simple and logical. Dr. Giacchino made me believe that thru Christ he ‘found himself’, making him a changed man. I later realized that he was a liar. I strongly believe that a person can change, and become a better person. Unfortunately, it turned out in Giacchino’s case that he was only pretending to have changed.

  4. As an American I find it despicable that there is so much corruption in every part of society officials turn their blind eye to hurendous crimes rather then face the (embaresment)of having hired a criminal so the sdministration of Loyola Hospital in that since are excessaries to the crimes commited after they were aware of his criminal plot. I in my earlier days went to this Hospital but NEVER will again!!!!

  5. I am on to you Chumpman! on

    Sam Chapman of Empower Public Relations, in my opinion, is not half of the sales person that his wife, Dr. Laura Berman is (Berman sells sex toys – Chapman sells reputations).
    I just read Chapman’s comments left under the article titled ‘Is Empower Public Relations A Naïve Firm Or Plain Old Deceitful?’ published by KTF Media Group. According to Chapman’s blog comments, he has done a great job of showing us how low he can go. I think the article is dead on!
    I love the person that called Chapman ‘Sum Chumpman’