Tuesday, March 25

ATTENTION PUBLIC: IRS Employee ‘Reidy’ Aids Mobster?

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The following is a public service announcement:

WARNING – Please be advised that a Darien, Illinois man has moonlighted as a skip tracer for many years while allegedly abusing powers via the IRS, which could have breached your privacy.

Dennis P. Reidy, 64, who according to public records has resided for many years at 7544 Exton Street, has purportedly engaged in unlawful conduct by allegedly misusing his power via the IRS during the 1990s and, until recently, while discharged from his position with the IRS. Mr. Reidy purportedly abused power through the IRS by allegedly running social security numbers to locate people through their recent and/or current employment.

Today Mr. Reidy is on leave from the IRS due to a disability, however, for several years Mr. Reidy discretely maintained an active part-time position as a skip tracer out of his home in Darien, Illinois. While on leave from the IRS, Mr. Reidy allegedly conspired with his former colleagues at the IRS office to continue his purported location scheme. It is unclear if Mr. Reidy’s wife, registered nurse Corinne M. Reidy, has abused her powers by possibly helping her husband through her access to medical and financial records over the years while employed at Loyola Hospital in Maywood, Illinois.

The Disgraced Attorney Garrett S. Reidy

The Disgraced Attorney Garrett S. Reidy

Dennis P. Reidy is the brother of disgraced Chicago area Attorney Garrett S. Reidy – Attorney Reidy’s misconduct is centered on financial wrongdoing. If you are considering hiring disgraced Chicago area Attorney Garrett S. Reidy, please be advised that he lost his law license for a period due to financial wrongdoing regarding a case involving one of his own clients. You are free to verify this information by clicking the hyperlink above in this paragraph.

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    • What have you been up to since they disbanded your HUTAREE militia? Still dressing up in camo and running around the woods or just waiting around for that “revolution?” 🙂

  1. Joe what do you know about Bruno Mancari? Is this family really mobbed-up? A fixture in Bridgeport for years.

    • Dear Logic,
      Bruno is well associated with the Outfit. Last time I was at his brother Frank’s office in Oak Lawn, I noticed several photos of Frank and Johnny DiFronzo hanging on the walls. In fact, one night when I was out having a couple of cocktails with Johnny, we call Frank to play a joke on him and Johnny told me to invite him for a drink with us. However, Frank said he was home with his grandchildren and apologized for not being able to make it.

  2. Bruno Mancari is defiantly mobbed up. He’s been in the chop shop business since forever. He’s been arrested for murder twice I believe. He tried to dull out murder contracts for the Black Stone Ranger street gang to pull off for him. I’ve even heard he used to move “dope” around for the Vice Lords, Mickey Cobras, Black Disciples and Gangster Disciples street gang organizations. There’s not a scheme he wont get involved in, as long as their is good money involved!! He’s a rough guy too, very very capable. Very cagey guy. And according to Joe Fosco his brother Frank doesn’t fall to far from the mob tree.

    I think Frank is a lil more clean around the edges in how he presents himself. Frank bankrolls his brothers attorneys. Guys that don’t come cheap like Fat Ed Genson and those R.Kelly/Blago attorneys Sam Adam jr. and Sam Adam sr. Those guys are on the Mancari payroll. But Bruno wants you too know he’s a gangster. His brother seems to be more of a businessman/car salesman at first glance.

    Joe what do you know of a Mary Daddono ?? She was a pretty big bookmaker out in the Oak Brook area years ago…she was tough too. She had a lil crew that collected for her and they didn’t play no games either w/ their money. Two of the guys in Mary’s crew is connected to the US Senate candidate of Illinois Alexi Giannouilis. They got big time loans from his bank for any and everything. Very interesting to say the least.

    Ever heard of her Joe? Meet her before?? Do you think she’s the only “made” woman in the history of the Chicago Outfit ha ha?? She does have pedigree on her side. She’s probably tougher than Rudy Fratto too (she sure as hell looks better looking than him !). The broad had a crew and a lot of money I can tell you that. Nice luxury cars too. She’s been back on the streets for a while too and still looks like she has a lot of money !

    • Dear Black,

      Yes, I heard of Mary Daddono. I do not recall if I have met her or not. I have met most of her family. In fact, I have maintained close friendships with some of her siblings and nieces and nephews. I know that Mary Daddono was very disappointed at Bobby Dominic about a bad referral to an attorney. And I told Bobby Dominic about her disappointment in him. He was not nice about it.
      Mary is not ‘made’. You are humorous – I know you were joking. I understand that Mary is attractive. Yes, I would bet that Mary could knock Rudy into next Tuesday.
      I am not surprised to hear more about Alexi’s inappropriate connections. I truly hope that the majority of voters use their heads this time.

      Some of the above-mentioned individuals have a history with Eddie Vrydolyak. Speaking of which, I predict that U.S. District Judge Matthew Kennelly sentences Eddie Vrydolyak to not more than several months of home confinement. The court would likely view Vrydolyak’s case as a first and single criminal offense. Sometimes Judge Kennelly sentences one-time offenders, not engaged in multiyear schemes, leniently. Mobster and phony Mob boss Rudy Fratto experienced Judge Kennelly’s sentencing process earlier this year. Today Fratto is in prison for his multiyear tax-evading scheme. While sitting in on Fratto’s sentencing, I recall Kennelly explaining that he would have considered a sentence alternate to prison if Fratto were found guilty of committing tax evasion over one single year, instead of several years.

      We will see how accurate I am on the Vrydolyak prediction late tomorrow morning.

  3. I dont know what the hell Black is talking about maybe he is misinformed or just a liar but Mary D never had a crew of anybody doing anything could hardly pay her rent and has never owned a luxury car in her life. Yes she is a very beautiful woman both in and out and very tough but she is a single mother of two and is not a gangster. Sorry to ruin your fantasy Black but you couldnt be more wrong.

  4. black angelo, u r a complete moron!!! u shud no the facts befor u open ur retarded mouth!! wat do u personally no about mary daddono?? wat makes u thnk she drives luxury cars or has even a penny??! u dummy!! no wat the fuck ur talking about befor u TRY n b gangster savvy! STROKE! and bobby dominic is a fucking cheap prick and a NOBODY! Oh yea, bruno is a yellow belly stool pigeon that deserves….well, il keep that comment to myself. that pretty much sums it up in a nut shell. : )



  6. Dear Avid Readers,

    Please be advised that more content was added to paragraph 6 of the article above.

  7. Joe the names of the two guys connected to Us Senate Canidate Alexi Giannoulis is Michael Giorango and Demitri Stravropoulos. Have you ever ran into either of these two Joe?? I know Mike operated out of Melrose Park, and more than likely still does…he has I’ve heard owns a lot of land in South Florida. And Demitri was indicted with one Mary Daddono.

    And as far as Mary Daddono goes she’s not a made girl in the Chicago Outfit, she doesn’t have a crew (although she did have people collect for her), and the gov’t possibly did brake her. And Joe Fosco knows most of the things I mentioned about her was a joke…besides the fact she is a convicted mob bookie and “I hate to rain on peoples parades and “fantasies” but she is a convicted of a federal crime.

    People may be entitled to their own opinions but not their own facts ! She is a lovely woman true and a convicted felon all in the same TRUE.

    Mary may not be defined by her conviction TRUE, but she still was convicted of being a mob bookie. That’s Fact !!! Mary Daddono has seemed to gotten her life back on track and that is honestly good to see.

    Also Joe what do you think of that 10 month sentence handed down by Judge Kennelly to
    Fast Eddie Vrydolyak ??

    • Dear Black,

      I believe I have met Mr. Stavropoulos (I am not sure how to spell his name), though I have no real understanding of whom he is in the criminal world. I am not certain if I met Mr. Giorango.

      Judge Kennelly is a former defense attorney, Chicago native and Irish-Catholic. I would have put my money on Eddy getting straight home confinement, although, it could have been much worse for him. He should be out for the Fourth of July next year in time to celebrate America’s birthday.

      If Joseph L. Giacchino were still practicing medicine, he could have defrauded the Department of Justice for Eddy and prevented him from having to work in the work release program. Buddy Ciotti was fortunate to cash in on a similar benefit via Giacchino in 2002.

  8. black, evrything u say is , “ive HEARD” which to me sounds like NOT factual info! i dnt no wher u get ur info, but ur sooo off on most of the thngs that come out of ur blabber mouth! mike giorango is FLAT broke! he lost all the property he owned! dimitri is doing well as always n always will..thats just how it goes for him. Mary was NOT a “mob” bookmaker!! and fyi, she was convicted of destroying bookmaking evidence! i no mary, dimitri and mike personally. And jelly ball bruno n little man complex bobby d. So once again, “black” angelo c, no wtf ur talking about befor u start up on ur wana-b gangter talk. honestly, u sound like ud b a total suck hole.

  9. I think someone else already said it but I will say it again Black you should get your facts straight before you open your big mouth because you dont have a clue what your talking about. Mary was convicted of destruction of evidence not bookmaking. Do some research instead of just making shit up!!

  10. Dear whaaat!, Mary was convicted of destroying bookmaking evidence…still a fact she was convicted of a federal crime. Till this day I dont know how she got convicted of that in this day in age. That doesnt change the bottom line she was convicted of a federal crime.

    And what’s that say about you when you claim to know personally Mary, Dimitri, and Mike G ?? I’m just saying you going around bragging about that is funny in itself pal. Trust me pal I know, my family knows, my kids know alot of these people too “big deal”. I may not act like it sometimes but I usually get the bottom line right.

    And I only said “I’ve heard” on Mike G…and pertaining only to the land in South Florida he had purchased, because that is what I heard from my people…honestly didnt realize he lost it all.

    And I orginally never brought up “lil man complex Bobby D”. Joe Fosco inserted him into the conversation when refering to Mary D not being happy with him. But I stand corrected Mary D was convicted of “destroying bookmaking evidence” ! … Pooch Pascucci got the brunt of being the mob bookie in the operation. I honestly did not want to bring his name up.

    By the way nobody will argue w/ me on here that Mary Daddono got convicted of a federal crime. All the other stuff where talking about is tamato/tomato shit ! I might even know Mary myself and her stool pigeon ex husband but definatly not going to go around bragging about it if it where true. I did hear she got remarried??? By the way I still think Mary D could knock Rudy Fratto out lol.

  11. IP Adress on

    how many d.u.i’s do you have, and what exactly did you do to get out of them? as in, what phone conversations were made, and to whom? can you prove or disprove how you may answer this question?
    what exactly did you accomplish with the franklin charitable foundation? can you furnish receipts of donations you received and made? can you provide tax returns for the foundation?
    by the way, just some friendly advice… (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – harassment and threats are prohibited on this site. Thank you, American News Post)

    • Dear IP Address,
      I have never been guilty of DUI in my entire life, not in Illinois, not anywhere. Furthermore, I have never taken part in unlawful phone calls regarding judicial matters of any kind.
      I accomplished many wonderful things at the Franklin Charitable Foundation. I donated money to Loyola Hospital and was appointed to their Leadership Society, which was done prior to discovering that Loyola Hospital helped former Dr. Joseph Giacchino avoid prosecution (see here: http://americannewspost.com/?p=170 ). In addition, I established a fund in the name of a murder victim named Sahara Moorer (see here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3072351 – read final paragraph of link), as well as many other good projects. In fact, Garrett Reidy testified under oath about the good work done thru the Franklin Charitable Foundation, which was prior to my discovery that Reidy was a disgraced attorney.
      As far as records, I saved all charitable records for 5-years as required by law before eliminating the expense in storing the outdated records. With the exception of a few hundred dollars from a couple of close friends, please be advised that every penny spent thru the Franklin Charitable Foundation was my personal money.
      How does one raise a valid public concern if one decides AGAINST using his or her personal charitable donations as an advantage, thus does NOT create a personal income tax savings?
      Do Not Ever Threaten My Family or Me Again!

  12. Black your comments are starting to make me laugh. You start out ok but you spin out of control toward the end you really have no idea what your talking about it sounds to me like your walking around with one of those wanna be gangsters di*k in you.

  13. Public please know that I have received multiple harassing comments indicating subtle threats against my family from IP address
    The comments came in this afternoon.
    Thank you,
    Joseph Fosco

    • Joe…Threats of that nature over the Internet are against the law. Please contact either the AG’s Internet Crime Bureau or the Cook County Internet Criminal Investigations Unit. Both numbers are available on-line. Either agency can trace this sort of EC (electrical communicaion) in a matter of minutes. Fool proof bust also…I always get a kick out of these idiots and their clumsy, heavy-handed threats.

  14. IP Address on


    you were never a labor arbitrator. prove it.

    yes, you’ve never been… (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – repetitive rants are considered harassment by our management team and forbidden on this site. Thank you, American News Post).

    i hear you owe… money. why is that? (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – repetitive rants are considered harassment by our management team and forbidden on this site. Thank you, American News Post).
    oh no! joe fosco has an ip address. did you ever think i could be using a computer at an apple store, library, or borrow someone’s comoputer at a coffee shop for $5? i could use someone’s cell phone for god’s sake… (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – libelous statements are forbidden on this site. Furthermore, your comment proves your intent to harass. Every time you ask someone to barrow their phone to send harassing comments to this site, you are exposing your physical identity to an eyewitness. Thank you, American News Post).
    mr. cerone still has all the voice mails you ever left him… (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – libelous statements are forbidden on this site. Thank you, American News Post).

    i never… (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – false statements and insults are forbidden on this site. Thank you, American News Post).

    • Dear IP Address,
      I thought it was understood that I was never an actual labor arbitrator; I have never stated that I was. In fact, I explain it in detail here: http://americannewspost.com/?p=66
      Yes, my finances are somewhat compromised right now. You are asking me why my finances are compromised. Ask John and Peter DiFronzo, Rudy Fratto, Jack P. Cerone, Esq., and Joseph L. Giacchino, Jr.
      As to the voice mails that I left Jack P. Cerone, Esq., regarding the threats on my life that he played a part in, you may read the court transcripts, which detail the voicemails, here: http://americannewspost.com/?p=278
      In addition, you may access this article, http://americannewspost.com/?p=819, which provides a very clear understanding of the details pertaining to the voicemails that you have mentioned. Thank you.
      Please Cease And Desist With Your Lunacy!
      Joseph Fosco

    • I have been a member of the Teamsters for nearly 20 year. On numerous occasions, spanning between the mid to late 1990’s to the early 2000’s I consulted Joe Fosco on labor matters that he mediated with lawyer Jack P. Cerone, Teamsters officials and with the management of my company.
      Respectfully submitted,
      FB – Northlake, Illinois

  15. Mad At The IRS! on

    I motion that we bring the focus of this conversation back to the IRS Agent that is accused of misusing his power for personal profit.

    • Dear Mad,
      I would not be surprised if immature sources close to the Reidy’s were behind this recent barrage of negative comments on this site. If so, it is very sad. One would hope that IRS Agents (and former agents) would simply not abuse the publics trust, especially for personal profit (Dennis Reidy is alleged to have abused the publics trust for personal profit).

  16. People who make threats via “computers at coffee shops; or an Apple Store; or a library are arrested all the time. Not many do it at home on their own computer…not many know how easily they can still be tracked. But I will say you do not seem bright enough to make even an attempt to cover your tracks…as futile as it would be. Cops just love dumbbells such as yourself.

  17. anyone that makes threats via puter, phne or anythng other than in person is just a person with jelly balls!