Saturday, February 22

Giacchino Blossomed With II Johns As Idols

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Out of all the deplorable things that Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino had done throughout his sad and pathetic life, one of the worst stories is something that I have never shared publicly.

The story innocently involves one other doctor that went on to be one of the greatest surgeons in Chicago and, because of his innocence in the story that I am about to tell, I will leave his name out.

Back when Giacchino was working at Loyola Hospital in Maywood, Illinois (prior to Loyola sweeping his kidney transplantation scam under the rug), Giacchino did the unthinkable. Purpotedly, he deliberately neglected to adequately supervise and assist a new doctor in surgery.

It was an ordinary day at Loyola Hospital sometime around the year 1980 when Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino purportedly approached a new doctor that was working under him with news that a patient in the operating room was awaiting a new kidney. The new doctor did not seem concerned because he worked with Giacchino on numbers of surgical procedures in the past. However, this time was different. Giacchino purportedly informed the new doctor that he would not be in the operating room prior to the new doctor opening up the patient. This would be the new doctor’s first time performing such a procedure on his own. All of a sudden the new doctor seemed somewhat uncomfortable. Giacchino made matters more difficult by further telling the new doctor that he would not scrub in or have gloves on when he would enter the operating room to observe the procedure. Giacchino told the new doctor, “You are on your own.”

A while later, Giacchino entered the operating room where the new doctor had his patient opened up. True to his word, Giacchino was not wearing gloves. He could not offer the new doctor any significant assistance if necessary. Sure enough, the new doctor accidentally cut an artery, which purportedly caused the patient to die immediately on the operating table.

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    • Dear Walter,

      I hate to admit that you are right, the article above does seem far fetched enough to appear as if it were made up. Most of the actions performed by Giacchino are shocking. I attribute the recent media attention that he has been getting thru other media outlets to the outlandish conduct that Giacchino exercises. Nonetheless it is all true, every bit of it.

      Sit back and watch that Giacchino and Loyola Hospital will not initiate a valid action against me for libel. Giacchino has actually tried once before and lost – a defamation suit filed two or 3-years ago against me by Giacchino was dismissed sometime last year. Remember, I print the truth and nothing but the truth and it is done responsibly and professionally, obviously, or I would have valid suits leveled against me. In addition, I have evidence regarding recent conversations with the doctors involved in the matter described in the article above that I would eagerly use to defend my credibility and article. And I would very much look forward to having a much brighter spotlight shine on my articles after a major corporation would get its ass kicked in court by me.

      Furthermore, Loyola Hospital decided not to sue me over a couple of other articles that I published, which mentioned them in a not so glamorous light. One is linked in the article above regarding Giacchino’s kidney scam, and the other can be found here:

      Some say that rich people as Giacchino and major corporations as Loyola will not bother suing a small person that does not have the financial resources that are appealing to them. In the meantime, what about having a judge order the removal of articles that are allegedly false and damaging? The answer is that my articles are not false – the only things damaging would be the actions committed by the individuals that I accurately, truthfully, responsibly and professionally report.

      I have been accused of sometimes writing self-serving articles. My response to those interesting accusations is quite sensible. If a man that I hate shoots someone right in front of me, or confesses to me to have shot someone, would my description of what I know to be true automatically be deemed as a lie simply because I hate the shooter (which makes my story seem self-serving)? In addition, I double-check my facts thru multiple sources.

      Thank you for your comment – it forced me to share some helpful information that frankly makes a great deal of sense.

  1. Joe,

    Why is the Chicago media or even the national media afraid to touch the Giacchino story? I know Kass has but as far as I know thats been it. With all of your Giacchino articles combined, it would make one hell of a hit movie.

    • Dear Walter,
      Find a producer to bankroll the deal and will put you down for an agent fee. lol
      I am afraid that I cannot answer your question on why other media outlets (with the exception of Kass/Tribune) are not interested in Giacchino.

    • Dear Walter,
      Perhaps the other media sources will step in line after Giacchino is indicted.

  2. Joe,

    It’s me, Teets, remember? I apologize for not posting in a while. I lost my job, which provided my only access to the Internet. I recently got a new one, as per my new IP, so I’ll be posting again, but probably not as frequently as before.

    Sorry to hear about the recent unfortunate and very weird events that have unfolded, re: you and Mr. Messino. But, Joe, in my humble opinion, readers like Magnapishe, Harlem Playboy, and Logic exacerbated an already hostile situation with their online clowning and vitriol. Do you remember Magnapishe? If so, you’ll recall that you had to remove several of his comments for inappropriate remarks and off-base conclusions. And Harlem Playboy? (hahaha) Yes, he caused many problems with that Gio hoax. Hopefully, he has learned his lesson. I’m not too familiar with Logic, but I am aware of the bulk comments that he has posted to dozens of online message boards about this “Fat Vic” Stramaglio person. Too bad he doesn’t have anything better to do with his time.

    Joe, God bless you, and may the Lord watch over you and your family. I hope that the courts force Mr. Messino to check into the laughing academy permanently, and that Giacchino gets what is coming to him.

    Above all, Joe, I hope that the number of your enemies dwindles in the coming years, and that you live a long and prosperous life, and become a successful journalist or some other type of media figure.

    Be safe. God bless you, my friend.

      • f@rt on a horsey b*ner on


        I don’t care for this Teets-Redux thing already. Three sentences into his post, and I was instantly tired of his little act.

        Since Teets likes to bring up the past, allow me to remind you that back in KTF’s Golden Age, Teets was your blog’s unofficial Gestapo. He would allow his feelings to be hurt if you weren’t paying as much attention to him as you were more to more engaging readers, like me. If Teets was lurking around (like the deranged peeping tom that he is!) in one of the old Outfit threads and something was posted that he found offensive, he would immediately publish warnings to you and Alex in the most current or most popular threads. He was—and I’ll bet still is—a tattletale and a crybaby. I was just reading some older comments in which a reader, “the original magnapishe,” referred to him as a stool pigeon. That is exactly right.

        Look, I’m not going to go as far as “Tenderpony” and request that you block IP’s, but it might be in the best interest of ANP to institute some kind of 3-strike rule, specifically for Teets. He would get a “strike” for every instance of:

        posting ingratiating statements
        posting self-aggrandizing statements
        pretending he is a site moderator or administrator
        pretending to be one of ANP’s featured authors
        pretending that he is a personal friend of yours
        pretending that he is not of ambiguous sexuality

        (Keep in mind that these are only some cursory examples of what might be considered rules that would be applied only to Teets.)

        Sorry to take up so much space. As you know, I am usually pretty brief and easygoing. But we need to stop Teets before he can get his weird little enterprise off the ground. Trust me. I’ve been around here for a while, and I’m overjoyed to see that ANP is going to be churning out the articles again. If ANP is headed in the direction that I suspect it is (i.e., non-moderation or, perhaps, a formal message board someday), we need to STOP Teets … “like they should have stopped Hitler at Munich.”


  3. Joe Fosco sorry to hear about your nana. Happy New Year to you also. I see you have the Messino’s and this Dr. Strangelove in your crosshairs. I will say this the Messino Family as a whole is probably beyond ticked off by you for obvious reasons as well as the Doctor. But do you have any evidence Joe Messino was creeping around your domicile ? Is the guy that stupid (if he is his grandpa Willie would be turning over in his grave at the thought).

    You know Joe Mess his brother Will is a Chicago cop and I just assume they would of did their homework on that home (the place you stay at) to see if their was any surveillance or what have you. I do believe Joe Mess might of threatened you, but to show up at your home. I don’t know about that. I do want to say I’m in agreement that the Messino’s and this Doctor probably want you dead. But what about this Michael Magnafichi. You know all of a sudden he came into your life at a vulnerable time. You claim he saved your life and told you about the contract out on your life (also the FBI I believe you said tipped you off also). All I want to say is you know Magnafichi is a disciple of the DiFronzo Outfit. Those people are very treacherous and cunning.

    I just feel you should be cautious around people you think are your friends. Do you really believe Magnafichi had a falling out with the DiFronzo’s ?? You know I don’t think Slick Pete DiFronzo would allow that (because of his relationship to Mike‘s father Lee). You know Mike still walks the streets and drinks and then drives around the Western Suburbs like he owns the place. You think he would be doing that if it was public knowledge he is associated with you now and has helped you. I just feel their’s something fishy going on. You know quiet well Joe Fosco that the Chicago Outfit and its spin off the DiFronzo Outfit is quiet patient, cunning, and opportunistically violent.

    Look at Hal Smith the infamous bookie who was whacked in 1985. Shit Joe the Outfit let him mope around for decades before they decided they had enough with his shit. Sometimes these guys kill fast or sometimes they just wait in the weeds. Even members of the Outfit infiltrated Hal’s gambling ring before they whacked him. He honestly thought he was safe (Hal Smith did because some cunning members of the Outfit took a liking to him or so he thought).

    Basically what I’m trying to say is do you really trust Michael Magnafichi ? Never mind this Doctor, Joe Mess and the Messino’s. What about Mike ? You really think he has disassociated himself with the DiFronzo Outfit. Have you allowed these treacherous and cunning individuals to infiltrate KTF media group ? Anyhow keep up the good work and be aware of your friends.

    • Dear Black Angelo,

      Thank you for your condolences regarding my late grandmother. I miss her terribly.

      I will be cranking up a piece on the Messino stalking situation very soon, which will feature a streaming video of the imbeciles vehicle, license plate and all – stay tuned. In addition, I am not at liberty to discuss what the authorities are doing on the Messino matter. All I will say is that the homes, businesses and automobiles of various close relatives of mine, are under surveillance. And the surveillance equipment is nearly impossible to detect, especially without being noticed while looking for it. If you choose not to believe me, fine. However, you will believe me when you see Joe Messino’s vehicle on one of my surveillance tapes, which should be in my next article. And please know that surveillance equipment is merely one level of the security that helps keep my family aware. Other levels of our security are more critical as they deal with prevention. Surely, you would not think that someone that does what I do would be naked of security, do you?

      As far as your point about trusting Michael Magnafichi, I will say that I do not trust anyone.

      Thank you for the New Year greeting and Happy New Year to you.

  4. IP Adress on

    Dear IP Address,

    American News Post modified your comment because it was harassing in nature. However, I wish to respond to some of the points that you had made, which will be evident in my response below.

    I did not hold on to the information outlined in the article above for 30-years. I have been aware of the story since the time I witnessed Dr. Giacchino reminisce with the “new doctor” (who is now an esteemed doctor) on a conference call from Giacchino’s office. The conference call took place 5 or 6 years ago. A witness was seated right next to me. Giacchino likes to call people on conference phone to exploit conversations that he is proud of sharing. I do not believe that the other doctor was aware that others were listening. Actually, Giacchino violated privacy laws by not asking the other doctor for his permission to allow us to listen. Privacy means nothing to Giacchino. John Kass (Chicago Tribune) indicates a small example in his latest article on Giacchino (last month), when Giacchino blabbed about the medical condition of DeFilippis to the media – on the phone. I understand the patient is deceased in this case, but Giacchino does it all the time, whether the patient is alive or not.

    I have an additional source that verified the story above.

    My reason for not sharing the story told in the article above is quite simple. I have so many stories about Giacchino to tell, that it is sometimes difficult to keep the ones I have published from the ones I have not.

    In any event, Loyola Hospital and/or Dr. Giacchino are free to file a lawsuit if they feel that it could be proven that my article is false. If successful, Loyola and/or Giacchino would be granted an order by the court to have the article removed or corrected.

    Giacchino has access to millions of dollars, as does Loyola Hospital. Perhaps they have failed to file a lawsuit against me because they are unaware of the articles that I have published. In the interest of justice, can I count on you to make sure that everyone is aware of my story?

    According to John Kass, Giacchino answers the telephone at the Melrose Park Clinic. The phone number is published; however, I will make it easy for you. The Melrose Park Clinic phone number is (708) 343-2500. The phone number to Loyola Hospital is also published, which is (708) 216-9000.

    On behalf of American News Post, thank you for your readership.


    Joseph Fosco

  5. Interesting info Here on

    To Joe the editor, I was just browsing through here and I find all of these stories of yours interesting. I just want to ask you a simple question, as a reporter how can I find it believable that you as educated as you are, can be involved with any organized crime hoods? What state is AMP from? I can’t seem to recall it being from the Chicagoland area?

  6. Harlem "Don the Jeweller" Playboy on

    I wonder if you could have made this article about III Johns (DiFronzo, too).

    Please remove IP Adress’s comments. He is a windbag!

  7. Special Quest Explorer on

    Hi Joe, I have recently reviewed your last 2 sentences on this article. You made the statement “that after reviewing a number of sources, I trully believe that in my heart, Giachinno was involved in the foul play I found on these two men.” (Catalano/ Defillippis) I have to ask you, have you been updated on further information on them from your sources, as of latley? Surely, you may have obtained some additional facts? Especially, on the Catalano case? It seems that a true motive for him has not yet been revealed yet. I wonder if Tony Catalano spent time in the same gym Dr. Giachinno did? SQE

  8. Special Quest Exploere on

    Thanks Joe, for you feed back answer to this. I also have a question on another crime in the area that I have surmised as a related event on.  Yes, Joe I feel that somehow in my heart that the Crime of the Horse Shoe Inn inncident was done from the same killers as these 2 men we have just mentioned (Catalano/Defillipps). I feel that it is this Joe Messino sending a message to the guys in the community to keep their mouth shut.  I feel that it is too much of a coincidence that ” Cafe Piazza”, as mentioned from a Lonstar commneter in your articles as being scrutinized or “hang out” for Joe Messino. This is because this is the “main” area where this community of neighborhood guys hung out. This group hung at this Horse Shoe Inn. Joe, put this together with what that Tony commenter said. I feel that this Horse Shoe Inn Murder was done as a form of keeping the neighborhood under control! It’s ” The Master of Minipulation” Joe Messino hard at work! I am surmising that perhaps, if Joe Messino can keep the boys from talking by using this murder as an example, then he feels a sense of security. Of course, if not at best, only for the moment. Joe can you tell me if you have any sources that would lead towards my assumption on the murder case?  Can you tell me if I am totally off on this assumption? And what can you tell me  of  what the “up to date” information on this murder actually is? Perhaps, you may do an article on this murder in the near future. AQE 

  9. Joe Fosco,  Just because someone doesn’t sue you does not mean that your accusations are true.  Did it ever occur to you that some people do not care what you say about them and choose to consider the source and ignore it.  If everybody wanted  to get a lawyer and file a suit agaist someone everytime something was said that was not accurate or worse, completely untrue, every citizen in America would be in civil court 8 hours a day 5 days a week.  

    • Ms Citizen,
      The people who do not care about what I have to say do not read and comment here.
      Claiming that every citizen in America would be in civil court 8-hours a day 5-days a week if someone sued “every time something was said that was not accurate or worse, completely untrue” has nothing to do with the good work that I do via American News Post, which causes people who are moved by my good work to comment in supportive ways or flat out detract.