Wednesday, March 26

Rahm Is Wrong On Wright

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Look upon his works, ye Cubs fans, and despair! Emperor Rahmulus is displeased, and when that happens, subsidies dryeth up.

Days after news broke that Joe Ricketts, billionaire and patriarch of the Ricketts family, was involved with a super PAC that had merely proposed to do a spread on Barack Obama’s former pastor, the vile racist Jeremiah Wright, Rahm Emanuel freaked out, refusing to even speak with members of the Ricketts family. When reporters questioned Emanuel’s bizarre response to this issue, one of Rahm’s aides had the temerity to utter this string of nonsense:

The Mayor was livid when he read that the Ricketts were going to launch a $10 million campaign against President Obama — with the type of racially motivated ads that are insulting to the president and the presidential campaign.

This might not seem like a big deal, unless you’re aware of the fact that the Ricketts family owns the Chicago Cubs. Cubs management is in the middle of negotiating a method to get aid from the city for much needed stadium renovations and Mayor Emanuel’s refusal to have anything to do with the Ricketts family has most pundits predicting doom for the deal.

Rahm Emanuel has decided to punish the children for the perceived sins of the father, it seems. Tom Ricketts, along with his brothers and sisters, are the ones who run the Cubs, not Joe. Hell, from all reports Joe has nothing to do with the operation at all. On top of it Laura Ricketts, one of Joe’s children on the Cubs’ board of directors, is even a major Obama supporter and fundraiser, but that doesn’t matter. The Emperor is angry.

Whether or not you think that the city should help fund the repair of Wrigley Field, surely we can all agree that Mayor Emanuel’s infantile response to a proposed ad campaign (Joe Ricketts supposedly killed the idea the minute he knew about it) is not the way such an issue should be decided. The Rahmfather has gone off half-cocked yet again, threatening to put the kibosh on a plan entirely based on the fact that a member of someone’s family might have decided to go after Obama’s lunatic former mentor.

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  1. Wow, we agree on something.  Rev. Wright taught Black Liberation Theology, something James H. Cone developed in response to the white racism extant in the 1960s and earlier.  Those who teach it today hold to the same set of beliefs, which include Marxism and a sort of Critical Race Theory intertwined with liberal/left-wing Christianity.  The beliefs of Cornel West and Tavis Smiley are pretty similar.  Because the left-wing media (which is most of the media) was in Senator Barack Obama’s pocket, it didn’t vet him and he became president.  Now they go after Mitt Romney’s high school activities while ignoring the many damning statements found in President Obama’s own books!  They go after Romney’s Mormonism, but bury their heads in the sand when it comes to Obama’s Black Liberation Theology.  Wonder why Eric Holder didn’t go after the Black Panthers for voter intimidation?  Holder personifies Critical Race Theory.  Left-wing African Americans and their allies can do no wrong, but conservative ones are self-haters who undermine the Civil Rights Movement.  Obama’s and Wright’s beliefs in Black Liberation Theology explain so many things.